Chapter Seven

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Liam appeared shocked at my admission. He shared a long glance with the other princes before he furrowed his brow. Returning his eyes to me he said, "You are far from a monster." 

I knew he was only trying to console me and assure me that I would not become what I feared most in the hopes that I would continue on with training and carry the weapons. I shook my head aggressively, something that probably made me look rather mad. "I can't," I whispered. 

Liam seemed to warring with himself over the right words when Zayn rose from his seat. He gently caught my wrist before I could drop the my newly gifted weapons to the ground. We all knew that once they left my hands, I would not be picking them up again. "Do it for them," he whispered. 

My eyes immediately shot up to lock with his. I couldn't help but notice they were more...honey hazel than Liam's chocolate and gold. My eyes narrowed as I waited for him to elaborate. I couldn't understand who he thought I would actually be willing to risk becoming a monster for. 

Zayn's eyes never left mine. I vaguely heard the other Princes begin to whisper around us but I refused to lose the staring contest he had started. 

"You'll be saving everyone in the city. All the poor and those who cannot live under the rule of Council any longer." 

His words struck a nerve, causing me to sharply inhale a breath. My hands began to shake as they gripped onto the hilts. "I can't." My voice was so soft I wasn't sure if even Zayn had been able to make it out. 

Louis' voice shocked me as he said "No one is asking you to become what your fear."

I caught a flash of blonde hair as Niall gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "We truly cannot do this without you, Bayley. It's obvious now that you are the only one who can actually help us." 

They were using my weakness against me as a way to convince me to help them. I knew why they wanted me of all people. I was quick, silent, skilled enough to get the job done, and smart enough to do it correctly. Now that they knew I didn't desire any of the power their proposition offered me, they wanted me even more. The fact that I felt so strongly about violence only solidifying their decision. I couldn't stop myself from looking to Liam.

He still looked to be uncertain of what to say. Instead, his eyes simply looked into my soul. I heard myself let out a breath as I realized there really was no way I could not help them when it would benefit so many people. "What if I'm not good enough to help you?" I wondered aloud. I hated how insecure I sounded, but they needed to know that I wasn't that special. My freakish eyes were the only real thing that set me apart from any other thief. A good thief doesn't get caught, after all, and getting caught is what landed me in the castle in the first place. 

The five men in the room quickly voiced their assurances that I would be more than enough to get the job done. Still, I knew I wouldn't be able to do it alone and Doc couldn't actually help me sneak around. I was going to need help from the guys which was going to be awkward with Peter in his current sour mood. I wasn't even sure I wanted to see him. At least Ryan had offered to help.

We discussed several options to begin our plan against the Council. The discussion sometimes turned to arguments among a couple or more of the passionate young men as they debated. I remained silent, only weighing in when I felt my opinion carried any sort of weight on the subject. After what felt like hours, a decision was made. I then took my leave of the Princes, well aware of the first step of our plan to stop the Council. 

I expected Liam, or at least one of them, to offer to escort me back to my room, but they were all still locked into a debate about methods. I didn't mind having a moment alone to walk the halls of the castle. I felt quite comfortable behind the beautiful stone walls after all the time I had been spending there. I had nearly made it back to my room in Liam's portion of the castle when several loud voiced reached me. Curious, my thieving skills automatically took control as I crept forward. 

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