Chapter Five

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I stared at Doc open mouthed for a few moments, completely unsure of what to say. Liam had dreamed about me, too? How was that even possible? 

"They say when love is true, even the gods will do everything in their power to see it fulfilled." Doc gave me a knowing smile and handed me a broom. "Would you mind helping me get the pub ready? I'm a bit behind." He was too kind to say that I was the reason, but I knew it was due to my bursting in. I gladly took the broom and attempted to sweep what mess I could from the filthy floor. It gave me something else to focus on other than what Doc had just revealed to me.

Once I had finished sweeping, I helped Doc finish the other chores that needed to be done before he opened and we managed to finish with a bit of time to spare. I grabbed an apple from the small kitchen and hopped up onto the counter as my mind wandered. I didn't even notice when Doc wandered into the kitchen.

"I suppose they gave you that," Doc wondered aloud as he pointed to the crown pendant that hung from my neck. I had tucked it into my tunic to keep it from sight, but it must have fallen out as we worked. I nodded and a true smile lit up his grey eyes. "Pray tell," he said simply. 

Now that the boys were pretty much out of the picture, I knew I was going to need some help with keeping the residents of the city informed. Doc knew practically everyone and I trusted him with my life. I told him what the Princes had asked of me and that I had agreed, although I really wasn't sure what that entitled from me. 

Doc nodded excitedly. "Wonderful! I'm glad to see that Liam is following through with his promise and that the others are on board. It will not be easy to overthrow the Council. Still, if anyone has the skill set to do it, I believe you and Princes can do it. I'l do what I can to help." I thanked Doc for his kindness and he waved me off. He really wasn't one for thanks. 

On Doc's orders, I rushed to open the door of the pub into the now mid-day sun telling any passer-bys that the pub was open. I helped Doc for most of the day, trying to keep myself from thinking too hard. Mitts and Ryan wandered in sometime around dinner laughing about something I pretended not to hear. 

Mitts caught a glimpse of me and hurried over to where I was handing out mugs filled with beer. "Hey, Bayley," he started a bit awkwardly. I smiled at my two friends and winked at them to let them know I wasn't upset with them. They both visibly relaxed. I slid two beers down the bar and they gave me grateful smiles before taking a long swig. 

It was starting to get a little late by the time the pub started to empty out. Mitts and Ryan were the only two of the boys to show up at Doc's and I was thankful for that. Mitts and Ryan left me alone apart from a few quick glances. Doc had taken over the bar now that it was mostly empty so I had taken up residence at one of the tables. I stared at the condensation rolling down the sides of the beer cooled glass as if it contained the answers to the world. I'm not sure how long I stared at the beads of water as they rolled down the glass.

"You know, you can just go back. You shouldn't have to deal with Peter while he's like this." I jumped, unaware that anyone had even approached me. I glanced up to find Ryan on the bench across the table from me. I was surprised to see that his eyes were clear, and not glassy from mass amounts of alcohol. Ryan normally went along with whatever the rest of us were doing. It wasn't that he didn't care - he always interjected when he had something to say - he was just quiet. Unlike Max or Peter, I knew Ryan didn't have a thing for me. He was brutally honest with anyone who asked his opinion and I was kind of glad he had joined me. Ryan looked at me expectantly.

I sighed and sat back on the bench. "Can I ask you something?" Ryan gave me a look that made it clear I shouldn't have had to ask. I gave him a half smile and sighed, choosing my words carefully. "What do you think of me? I mean, about this," I said gesturing to my altered appearance.

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