Chapter Six

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"You want me to take up archery?" 

"And swords. At least daggers," Liam confirmed with a nod. "You were nearly killed by the guards once already. I understand you do not like violence, but it is necessary that you be able to defend yourself if need be. Even if that means with lethal weapons. These are two skills that will keep you safe." 

Louis threw an arm around my shoulders and pulled me jokingly against his side. "We won't always be around to bail you out, love." 

"Actually," I said ducking out from under his arm, "Niall, Liam, and Zayn were the ones who actually intervened."  I crossed my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at the playful prince.

All the princes, save Louis, burst out laughing. "If you're anywhere as quick with swords or an arrow as you are with your tongue, I cannot imagine a more terrifying adversary." Niall chuckled before handing me a set of daggers as long as my forearm. 

"I'm training with real swords on my first day? Isn't that a tad dangerous? Who am I even fighting?" 

To my surprise, each of the princes had their own set of sharp daggers strapped to their belts. "We're all trained in the art of swordsmanship." I opened my mouth to protest in fear injuring one of them, but Zayn held up a hand to silence me. "You won't be able to hurt us. We're all quite skilled."

I attempted to convince them that I really did not need to know how to use something so lethal - I had yet to need something deadly to get out of any situation. However, all my arguments were countered with the fact that I had nearly died once before. Liam was adamant that I should be able to protect myself and the four other princes agreed. They all but ordered me to train with the daggers. Finally, I was forced to give in. 

"It's simple enough," Harry shrugged, taking his daggers from his belt. "Killing your opponent should never be your first resort. Your goal should be to capture them and take their weapon or force them to surrender." He spun the weapons in his hand clearly illustrating his control over them. "It is not always easy to overtake someone, but it is difficult to rinse blood from you hands once they have been stained."

Liam stepped forward and lifted my arm so that my own dagger pointed directly at his chest. "Don't think of it as a wickedly sharp piece of metal. They should be nothing other than an extension of your arm. Wield them as if they are a part of you. Of course, you should never forget how deadly they can be." I nodded and forced myself to swallow. Liam gently raised my chin and forced me to look into those chocolate eyes. "You're clearly quite agile, smart, and quick on your feet. Use it all to your advantage.You'll likely be smaller and quicker than any adversary you may face. Harry can hold his own, but I believe you can do this," he whispered so that only I could hear. 

I nodded and took a deep breath as Liam stepped back several yards to where the others had gathered on the soft lawn. Harry smiled and assured me that he wouldn't actually hurt me before taking his stance. He waited for a nod to confirm that I was ready.

They boys and I had fought with old broom handles and sticks when we were younger or when we wanted to have a good laugh. Because of that, I had a descent knowledge of how I should move with the added weight. Without thought, I reversed my grip on both blades so that they pointed to the ground.

Harry launched himself at me with a chuckle, clearly thinking I would be an easy target for him. I waited until he was just in front of me and sidestepped his lunge so that we were back to back for a split second as we both plunged forward. I then used the blunt end of the handle in my left hand to come down hard on his right shoulder. It was enough to cause him to stumble to his knee. 

I vaguely heard Liam laugh and mutter and "I told you so" as I brought my right leg through in a round-house kick directly to the back of Harry's thick, chocolate curl covered head. Because I used the actual side of my leg, the force sent him onto his chest hard enough to knock the breath from his lungs. I knelt on his back and brought a dagger to his throat as I lifted his head from the soft ground. 

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