
"I can't keep something like this to myself, I can't." She spoke, looking at me. "And you know Nico will do anything to stay out of jail. But everyone's going crazy Markell was killed and looking at his mom- I can't even think about if that was my little sister or my little brother."

"Kay. Kay." I placed a hand on her shoulder. "You know what you have to do."

"It's driving me crazy Nae!"

"I understand that. But the position you're in you can't be going around telling anyone about this."

"What is he gonna do? Try and intimidate me? Hurt me? Nae, you're the only one who I could come to about this."

"You're gonna be okay. I promise you." I rubbed her back softly. "Just don't say anything. That includes telling the rest of the girls."


"Kaylen, you could die 'cause of this do you hear me." I spoke sternly, making sure she was looking at me. "Fuck Lorenzo. He's protected in his own right. You're not, and I don't want you getting hurt."

"I can't believe he's dead, Nae." She sobbed, resting her head on my lap, and I just sighed, looking at the ceiling wondering why I didn't realize Nico was at the forefront of all this nonsense any sooner.

He'd have to have had a hand in all this.

Another knock came to my door, making Kaylen softly lift her head so I could get up and check it, seeing Quincy.

After our talk in the parking lot, he did what I asked and kept his distance for a couple days. It gave me enough time to really figure out what I wanted to get across to him so we could move on and be a stronger couple. And I did. I showed up at his place after work, and we had a conversation about everything. We even kissed and made up at the end.

But, I was distant. It wasn't because I forced myself to be, but with work, school getting intense because of college applications, and trying to support the Markell movement with the girls, the last thing I was thinking about was finding time for a date or to sit with him and do nothing when I could be doing one of the million other things. 

It was a little harsh, but it was true. Our breakup taught me to put myself first a little bit more, and I wasn't about to change that.

"Hey." I greeted him after opening the door. "What's up?"

"What's up?" He repeated with a smile, his hands going to my hips. "I wanted to see you, that's what's up." He pecked my lips. "You gonna let me in?"

"Now's kinda not a good time," I told him, biting my lip softly, feeling bad.

"What do you mean?"

"Kay's here and is going through something. I gotta make sure she's okay."


"I'll call you, okay? I promise." Hoping that made it better, I reached up and kissed his lips. "Love you."

"Love you too." He responded, and I just softly closed the door, locking it behind me. I found Kaylen in the kitchen, dabbing her face with a paper towel after she rinsed off all of her tears.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

She let out a deep sigh. "I'm okay. Who was at the door?"


"You didn't let him in?"

"You were having a moment." I defended. "I wanna be here for you."

"Well you were." She managed to smile. "Thank you for talking some sense into me. I was really trippin' out."

"Trust me, I know." I smiled back, taking a seat. "But it's gonna be fine as long as you do your part."

"I still can't believe I have a part in any of this." She took a seat across from me.

"We told you to stop hangin' with Lorenzo." I reminded her.

"Shut the fuck up." She snapped. "Fuck Lorenzo." I held up my hand for a high five on that one. "I just feel like a bitch. I have the answers somebody needs, and I'm out here supporting Rocky's whole justice push. I'm like a fake."

"You're not a fake, Kay. We all know this is bigger than Markell, it's about the community. And you out of all people are more than qualified to fight for the community to change."

"Thank you."

"Just remember you're not a bad person," I spoke honestly as I grabbed her hand across the table. "You were just put in really bad circumstances."

"Is that what you used to tell yourself?"

"I still tell myself that." That made her laugh softly.

Kaylen had a lot going for her besides her looks. She was smart, and bright, and was nice and friendly to everyone she met. I could see her going far in life and ending up with a husband just as good looking at her with a whole bunch of kids.

I would hate for Nico to try and take that away from her.

Just like he tried to take it away from my brother.

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