Chapter 25

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"You want something?" Nico asked as we pulled into a burger joint that I wasn't familiar with.

Time seemed to be going by slowly as I sat in the car, curled up by the door, as my eyes constantly scanned around in worriness. We had passed the confines of our hood, into completely unknown territory for me, and I was growing more and more anxious.

"No." I responded.

Nico ordered the silent yet intimidating man who sat at my side to go get the food. One the dude returned, Nico handed me a burger.

"Eat it, we can't have you looking like that. Relax a little." He instructed me.

Feeling it would be best to not go against his wishes, and that I was actually hungry, I accepted the food. I ate slowly and listened to the radio, the host of the show saying it was already 10PM, making me instantly think what could be happening at home. I could only imagine how bad everyone back home was freaking out seeing I wasn't home.

But I tried not to think so deeply upon it, knowing I had to be focused, and I had to be prepared. I still had yet to know what was in store for me, and I had the worst case scenarios running through my head. Though my mind was going crazy, I managed to keep myself physically calm.

When we actually pulled up to a house party, I had mixed emotions. A part of me didn't believe he was serious about what he had said. And another part was confused at where I fit in.

What was he going to have me do?

"Let's go." Nico spoke, getting out of the car, his boys following behind. And I just took a deep breath before sliding out of the car while Mr. Silent stared me down.

Dusting off my jeans, I walked to the front of the car, standing in front of Nico. "So what's the plan?" I asked.

"We're going in and splitting up. I'll come get you when I'm done." He explained. "If you go somewhere, your ass is stuck in the middle of nowhere. Got me?" I nodded quickly. "Act like my lady, smile a little. Go upstairs and grab me anything nice."

So we were robbing whoever's house this was. Great.

Nico just grabbed my arm, pulling me to him as we walked across the street and into the house. The boys quickly switched their tune and played friendly, greeting people they knew. And I was clinging onto Nico like I was told, playing my part.

It was like a whole different environment. The people, the different games going around, the dancing, the drugs. It was a whole worldwind and my eyes looked anywhere and everywhere, so much happening that I couldn't focus on one thing.

One thing I knew for sure was that whoever owned this house, had some pretty valuable items to snatch. The house was more so a mansion the more I took in the size. We were in a rich man's land.

Through the chaos of the party, the furniture looked luxurious. The decorations on the wall mimicked something out of a movie with how pristine and polished every painting and picture I was able to spot was.

How I could so effortlessly and casually walk through the home with my shoes on, possibly tainting the beautiful of it all, was beyond me.

"Baby, why don't you go get a drink, explore a little." Nico suggested once we got settled.

This was my moment.

"You want anything?" I asked, getting up.

"Nah." He smiled. "I'll meet up with you, gotta whoop these kids in a game of cards."

I nodded before starting to walk away. I took my time, observing the crowd, calculating in my head how anyone would react if they saw me slip something into my pocket. I came to the conclusion that everyone was too deep into their own world to care or notice that a teenager was snooping around.

90s Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें