asuka got her persona from her father with a pinch of her mother's while her looks were the same as (y/n)'s features. the only aspect regarding the kid's appearance that she got from her father is his ash blonde hair. meanwhile, asuka got both of her parents' quirks, which is both a blessing and a curse, but they vowed to train her well so that no further complications will occur. combining these facts, bakugou asuka is a jewel they oath to protect until she's strong enough to face the miserable world herself, like what her parents do on a daily basis.

upon asking that question, both of them heard a loud tadaima by the door. "speak of the devil." (y/n) sighed out as she picked her girl up and secured her tightly in her arms for her not to fall over. when everything was set, (y/n) walked towards the entrance to meet her husband who just got off of hero work.

"oi, katsuki. it's my turn to go on patrol tomorrow, so promise me that you'll take good care of asuka." the (h/c)nette started off as soon as her (e/c) orbs met his fiery crimson hues.

"damn. is this how you greet your husband now? you're making me sound like i'm a bad father or something, doll." katsuki replied as he planted a kiss on both his treasures' foreheads.

as he did such an action, (y/n)'s heart leaped many times, like the times it did when they were still younger. years have already passed, yet she was certain that her love for the male still has a big impact towards her, however, despite his small action of affection, (y/n) was unconvinced regarding his answer, for she gave him a blank stare with a brow raised, which asuka copied and crossed her arms on her chest. "you taught her how to curse at the age of 3, katsuki."

with that said, katsuki's breath hitched as he felt his wife's aura around the house, but he was glad that it only lasted for a few seconds. the least thing he wanted to do was to see (y/n) in a state of outrage, so he tries his best to avoid anything that'll anger her, but to no avail, he taught their princess how to curse here and there. old habits die hard, he said.

"sorry about that, doll, but since she got my character, that's a great headstart. aren't i correct, princess?" katsuki asked as he tried to carefully grab asuka from (y/n)'s hands, but to his surprise, his child attacked him using the quirk she inherited from him, explosion. however, since he has much more experience than the kid, he swiftly dodged her attack by dashing a few centimeters away from her range, and since asuka jumped off of her mother's arms, she then was about to fall as she missed her target. luckily for all of them, katsuki relied on his quick reflexes and hastily caught her in the nick of time.

"woah there, kiddo. what was that for?"
"you're a meanie, papa! a meanie!"
"did i do something wrong, princess?"
"mama said that you threatened her to be your girlfriend and if mama refused, you'll use explosion on her! i will not let anyone or anything hurt mama!"

smart kid. that's (y/n) and i's powerful genes, alright. katsuki thought and scoffed inside his head, but as soon as asuka's words started to sink in, his eyes widened in shock as he gave his wife who was currently stifling her laughter a stare. "that didn't even happen!" katsuki yelled as he tried to catch (y/n) in his arms, but the (h/c)nette saw it coming and started to run around the house.

with a groan, katsuki gently put their kid down before he started to run after his wife, which made asuka chuckle, but what got her attention was the corkboard on the wall. it had a lot of pictures stuck on it. most of them were photos of her parents when they were still in highschool, but the one by the middle caught asuka's eye.

it was a picture of her mother and her father on their wedding day. (y/n) had an enchanting smile plastered on her face while katsuki had his eyebrows knitted towards the camera. it sure is a lovely memento for the day of their union, but a handwritten dialogue was also noted by the side of the photo.

♯   𝗡𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧𝗦 𝗧𝗢 𝗥𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum