"I...I just think you deserve someone who will never hurt you." Taehyung had tears on his face, too scared to try and hug her. But at the rate of this conversation, he feared he would never get to hug her again. "You deserve someone so much better than-"

"Stop!" Rebecca covered her ears. "You're so stupid! Why can't you see I love you??" Rebecca hit Taehyung's chest weakly, Taehyung letting her do it. "I don't want anyone else! I want you."

- yeah, t o x i c
anyways back to the book :) -

"We're okay, right?" Taehyung asked, the room dark around him, slowly rubbing Rebecca's arm as she leaned against him. "Everything is okay?"

"Yes," Rebecca mumbled, half asleep, Yeontan snuggled in her arms. "Everything is perfect."

"Imma call you flour." Taehyung smiled, leaning his head back against the headboard, Rebecca slowly sinking down to a laying position.

"That's cute." Rebecca's mind was full of flowers, imagining their beautiful colors.

"F L O U R." Taehyung spelled out, kissing her head a few times, a proud smile on his face.



Rebecca woke up in the middle of the night, Taehyung's arm not around her like it normally was. The room was dark, terrifyingly quiet, causing her to whimper out, panicking, alone.

Then Taehyung's arm snaked around her waist, his chest pressing against her back. "I got you." He kissed her cheek before laying his head back down. "I'm right here my darling."

Yeontan bounded over to Rebecca, crawling under her arm and licking her chin before promptly falling asleep in a second.

Rebecca let out a shaky breath, pulling Yeontan close to her, listening to Taehyung's slow breathing. With her 'child' in her arms and the love of her life protecting her from behind, Rebecca could relax.

But that looming fear of her nightmares still put a damper on the safety she felt.

And boy did the nightmares hit hard that night.

It was 5 am when she awoke again. Well, Taehyung woke her up.

"Shhh, shhh." Taehyung rocked her slowly, Rebecca trembling with cries in his arms. "You're okay. It wasn't real my Love. Shhh."

Taehyung never got annoyed when Rebecca had a restless night. He didn't mind staying up for hours, singing to her, soothing her, giving her reassurance, wiping her tears when she couldn't bring herself to do so. He understands how terrifying it must be, and being able to help her through it was enough rest for him.

He just didn't want her to be in fear alone.

She brings him so much love and so much happiness in his life he would do literally anything for her.

"Tell me about your nightmare." Taehyung laid his head on top of Rebecca's, her's on his shoulder.

"You were trapped in this burning house ... and , and the firefighters wouldn't let me go to you and and then you screamed and -" Rebecca's voice started to drown in her emotions and Taehyung feared she would trigger another wave of tears, so he cut her off.

"I'm right here baby." He kissed her forehead, three times before continuing. "I'm never leaving you. Never."

"I'm... I'm going to stay up and watch the sunrise." She sat up from Taehyung's grasp, Taehyung watching her shake her hair away from her, her breath a little shaky still. "You go ahead and go back to bed-"

"No, I'll watch it with you." Taehyung pushed the covers down, stretching his arms above his head.

"But you hardly slept." Rebecca frowned, holding his wrist before he could get out of bed. "You need sleep."

"You hardly slept either." Taehyung smiled softly, holding her hand. "Maybe we can take a nap later?"

Rebecca smiled gently. "I'd like that."

a year ago today i was in japan 🥺

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