Forty five

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The house was on the outskirts of town, completely forgotten by the government and other citizens. Gaston didn't try to cover our eyes or conceal our whereabouts, something concerning. He probably believed we wouldn't be getting out of there alive and even though I wanted to be positive, confident, I felt the same.

Oliver and I willingly went along with their commands, the golden and white of my dress severely contrasting the filthy place. In a moment of pettiness, I cringed, hating that my couture gown was being ruined by the decrepit and mouldy stairs of the house Gaston found. I felt him and Ayla behind us, the silence of the room making me feel even worse. 

All doors were closed on the upper floor, but Ayla confidently opened the last one on the corridor and ushered me inside. When Oliver tried to follow me, Gaston stopped him and closed the door with force. I heard the sound of a rudimental lock being turned and suddenly I was alone.

I tried to turn on the lights but nothing happened, although the full moon illuminated the disgusting room perfectly. There was nothing but an old plastic chair and a thin mattress on the floor, already occupied. I walked towards the body until I recognised his blond hair, unruly, sweaty, greasy. Miles' cheek was a sickening shade of purple and dried blood surrounded his nostrils. I gasped, immediately going back in time and remembering the day I found Harry in front of my house.

"Miles, wake up." I pleaded. My hands softly cradled his face and the groans he emitted were a heavenly sound for me. If he was in pain, he was alive. I didn't want to be responsible for more suffering and death than I already was. Miles was just a nerdy, curious man who got caught up in the dangerous web of my endless life.

He had a wife, a fulfilling job, plans for the future. He didn't owe me anything, he and I probably would never cross paths if I hadn't decided to enrol in classes one more time. Despite all the impossibilities of our friendship, he still remained loyal and unwavering. He was there through my foul moods, through my desolation, through my dooming and through my hopefulness. I admired him, I knew he was one of a kind, an honourable man, probably the last of our current century.

Struggling, he opened his eyes and tried to smile, but with the brutality of Gaston's assault, his grin turned into a grimace. I kissed his forehead in affection and sorrow, trying to touch him less. I didn't want to make things worse, I needed his energy if we were going to escape.

"I can't believe that bastard got you." He mumbled. It sounded unlikely, but even amidst his personal chaos, Miles still cared about me, still worried. He sat up and I aided him, watching in horror how his pristine white shirt became a burgundy mess.

"Ayla betrayed us." I bitterly admitted. "I should've seen it coming, but when it comes to my past, I can't see people for what they are."

"Being trusting and hopeful is not a flaw, Charlotte. Lying to others is." He comforted me, which sounded really ironic. Instead of answering him, I pulled the plastic chair closer and sat down beside Miles, trying to adjust my dress in a way that would allow me to sit down comfortably.

"I'm sorry you got dragged into this." I apologised sincerely, enjoying the faint illumination of the moon to hide my tears.

"You were just so in awe of me, of my past. Even though I was scared, I was elated to have a friend, someone who wasn't a family member." I wiped the salty water streaming through my cheeks and looked down at him again.

"Thank you for your loyalty and selflessness. You are an unmatched man, Miles Donovan." The heavy weight of goodbye settled on my shoulders. I was ready to accept my fate and sacrifice myself for the others. The lack of noise inside that house told me Oliver and I were separated because they didn't want us to plot anything, but at least Gaston wasn't torturing him.

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