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I hadn't slept well. The whole day played back endlessly inside my head and I felt anguish mixed with infatuation and fear. In the spare seconds I was no longer thinking about Harry and our night, I thought about Arthur and Sienna. They deserved to know the truth, I kept chanting inside my head. However, things were never that easy.

They grew up around me and considered me family, but I knew there was a layer of uncertainty hidden beneath our bond. I didn't blame them, how could I? Accepting someone has been around for centuries without ageing and without explanation was a lot to take in. Despite knowing I'd deal with scepticism, I needed someone to confide in, someone besides Miles.

I had always lived my life trying to protect my secret and be as truthful as possible. The endless lies of the last few days were piling up and suffocating me almost as much as the threats I kept receiving. My mind spun in endless directions, and the most painful one certainly had to do with Harry. I suspected an entire lifetime wouldn't be enough to find a way of ending whatever we had started, let alone a night.

"You're up abnormally early." Sienna spoke softly, startling me. I hadn't changed or showered, and once she inspected me minimally, she noticed something was off.

"What happened last night, Char? You look like a total mess." She never called me Char, only when I needed comfort. Looking into her deep blue eyes, I saw innocence, something I knew lacked in mine. She had seen so little of life, and yet her possibilities were far bigger and richer than mine would ever be.

"I don't know how to say this." I admitted, feeling a small tear run down my cheek. I had given up crying about three hours ago, and I wasn't about to start again. I needed to remain stoical and believable if I was really going to explain my story.

"If this is about Harry, it's okay. We saw you last night, during the match and I heard you in here. You don't have to fluster over so little. I totally support you two." She smiled brightly at me, rubbing her sleepy eyes just as her six-year-old self did. I watched the whole scene unfold, feeling like her grandmother and not a sister. The weight of my world was far too heavy to carry in that particular morning.

"Yes, it has to do with Harry in a crucial way, but nothing like you could predict. I need you and Arthur here before I explain." Her eyes clouded with doubt, like a sky during the prelude of a storm. I felt my chest caving in, the fear of losing their support evident across my face. If they didn't believe me, I only had Miles and his blind love for historical events. Even though he was a sweet man, committed to helping me, there were certain things I couldn't share with him.

"Is it that serious?" Sienna finally question, hands absentmindedly trying to tame the blonde mess above her head.

"Yes. We'll have to skip our morning classes and I really wish he'd show up here as quickly as possible." I spoke, indicating I wanted her to contact Arthur. My phone was dead, and I intended to keep it that way for as long as possible. After I made sure Harry had gotten home safely, I couldn't bear the lovely messages he sent, and the ones I knew were bound to come. With guilt filling my entire heart, I ignored him and sadistically watched as my battery dropped, until the phone died completely.

"I'll call him. Meanwhile, you should really shower and eat something, you look exhausted." I nodded in agreement, picking up my things from the living room and staring down at a worried and confused Sienna. Her expressions had always been easy for me to read, and I knew she had mixed feelings about the whole thing. She wanted to believe me, but at the same time, I was indeed acting out of character, perhaps a little crazy too.

"I'll be down in a few minutes." I answered curtly, hiding my clogged throat and the spilling tears that were making their comeback. Inside my room, I avoided mirrors. I didn't want to see the damage these events had caused, so I just showered quickly, barely acknowledging the nice feeling of hot water soothing my aching back muscles.

Timeless [h.s]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ