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"You had to dress me up like Vivian Ward, Arthur?" I questioned, looking myself in the mirror. The blue dress and thigh high boots reminded me of Julia Roberts and her romantic sugar daddy. Arthur chuckled at me, dismissing my words. He handed me a red trench coat, just another piece in the dressing up fun he was having.

"This is why I love you. You caught my reference." I tried to adjust the length of the dress, even though I knew it wouldn't work. The outfit had two rows of vertical buttons along my body, its tight fitted sleeves stopping just above my wrist. It resembled a blazer but somehow it made me feel sexy. The satin material shone dimly in my room. I liked what I saw in the mirror, I had to give Arthur that much credit. He had good taste and a generous credit card.

"He is taking you out to some fancy French restaurant in Covent Garden, so you need to look good, and snobby." I turned around and faced him, watching the way he toyed with my decorative pillows. He had always been a very creative, very active kid, never giving his mother time to do anything without worrying which part of the house he had decided to destroy. I loved him, like my own flesh and blood, and looking into his eyes I couldn't bear the thought of him not being close to me after the argument we had once I told him and Sienna the truth.

"I know, but this is not a date. You're dressing me up like I am going there to get laid after." He gave me a sided, wicked grin. I shouldn't have given him the idea.

"Maybe you should, he is hot and successful and Harry is too hurt to even laugh properly. Plus, if you find yourself dazed by another dick, this psycho is bound to leave you be." In his twisted logic, Arthur had a point. If by some miracle I met someone else, perhaps Harry would be safer, free to live his life without the influence of my poor choices.

"The only flaw in that logic of yours is that this stalker might be Oliver, so..." I trailed off, picking up my handbag. I looked inside and felt my stomach twist. I hadn't held a gun in many years, and the idea of going out carrying one terrified me. I had no idea how Sienna managed to get me one of those, but I was thankful for her gesture. In a very disturbed way, the deadly object meant she was looking out for me.

"All the more reason to bang him. If he's the one obsessing over you for centuries, maybe your undivided attention and some hot sex is all he needs." I rolled my eyes, picking up my phone and placing it inside my bag. Arthur sat up and snapped an unexpected picture of me.

"You look so hot I might actually be feeling something other than excitement about your amazing boots." I chuckled, smoothing down the fabric of my dress one more time. I felt exposed, but also powerful in a way. Charlotte Stuart in the twenty first century was all about prioritizing comfort, but I had forgotten how impressive it was knowing you were sexy and others would notice. I was in control and that pleased me.

"Okay, snap some indecent pictures of me please. You can even post it on your Instagram or whatever." I told Arthur, watching in delight as he let a loud squeak escape. I posed just like he told me to, adjusting the lights of my room, rising up my leg until my ass almost popped out of the dress, making sensual faces that probably looked like I was about to have a seizure.

"I've got some pretty great material here. I'm gonna send this one in which your leg is up and your ass is amazing to Harry, he'll probably wank to it until he dies." I gasped at his choice of words, rolling my eyes at myself for expecting anything different from Arthur. "And then I'm gonna create an Instagram account for you, because honestly, only losers don't have one."

"Don't post anything until I approve, ok? I really have to go now." He nodded, getting up and hugging me. I stood there for a few seconds longer than necessary, taking deep breaths and trying to calm down. I was going out, with a gun inside my bag, to meet another centenary man who didn't look a day over twenty five.

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