Twenty two

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"Let's go, Charlie. I hate being late." Sienna rushed me, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. I was in no mood for her shenanigans and she knew it.

"I honestly have no idea why you're dragging me out. I thought the whole point of skipping college and avoiding Harry was staying out of sight." I was grumpy and taking it out on her, I knew that. I had been a bitch for pretty much every second of the two days I spent inside the house, grumbling, cussing, stomping. I couldn't help it, I felt angry at the world, irritated with the unfair reality I was stuck in.

"If you'd stop being a bitch for a few seconds I would tell you we are going to Niall's house." I scoffed, picking up my wallet and phone, looking Sienna up and down. She was wearing her tightest pair of jeans, the v neck t-shirt accentuating her beautiful boobs. I was in a trap, forced to go out with the love birds as I thought about my sex tape release date.

"Amazing, I really need some dose of third wheeling in my life." I sarcastically replied.

"Shut up, Charlotte. Just shut the fuck up and follow me." I wasn't entirely sure why I complied with Sienna's orders, but I walked behind her in silence, getting in the car and turning away from her as a bratty child.

"Why are these windows so dark?" I finally questioned, feeling frustrated as I tried to distinguish people inside other cars and realising I couldn't. I loved people watching; immersing myself in other's daily routine, speculating about which songs they listened and who was the person beside them always peaked my mind and imaginative side.

"Because I took it to the shop and paid some huge amount of money to leave these windows as black as possible. The MI6 will totally be jealous of our windows now." She answered, proud of herself.

"And why would you do that?" I countered back.

"Because if your lunatic ex decides to follow us he won't see who is inside the car." Her words made a huge wave of guilt wash over me. Despite my awful behaviour she was still taking care of me and our safety.

"Thank you." I mumbled lowly, not sure what else I should say.

The rest of the ride was silent, but I could see Sienna glancing unnecessarily at the rear-view mirror. She was indeed worried about being followed, but no cars seemed to accompany us for longer than usual. We spent almost forty minutes wandering around town, probably longer than necessary, considering the weird, unknown roads Sienna took. When we finally parked in front of a house, she handed me a black umbrella from the backseat.

"Use this. Don't close it until we're inside." I could see Niall in front of his door, smiling at us even though he probably had no way of knowing for sure who was inside the vehicle. I followed Sienna's advice, feeling idiotic as I hid my face, especially considering there was no rain. It wasn't even that cold. Niall laughed at me but I knew he wouldn't pay much attention, not when Sienna planted her lips against his.

Jealousy coursed through my veins as I thought about Harry. I was happy for them, incredibly, but I couldn't pretend I didn't feel my heart breaking a bit at the sight of all the things I couldn't have. They stopped kissing fast, knowing I was still there.

"Hi Charlotte, nice seeing you again." Niall hugged me tightly, making my body go rigid at his unexpected affection. After a small moment of hesitation I hugged him back, although the gesture was interrupted by a known voice.

"I hope you're not using your pick pocketing skills on my girlfriend, Niall." My heartbeat was definitely above the healthy limit, Harry's tone giving me chills. I detached myself from his friend and ran the small distance to him, wrapping my arms around his body with force. I heard him grunt a bit, but I couldn't care less.

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