Twenty three

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"You've never thought of coming back?" Miles asked me in disbelief. I knew it was hard to understand; sometimes I didn't comprehend it myself. Coming back to the place that altered my life permanently seemed like a terrible idea, like something I wouldn't be able to do without falling into minuscule pieces, tiny fragments of glass that could never go back to what they used to be.

"I was scared. I left a trail of bodies behind, so I didn't exactly wanted to go back. There was nothing left for me in that place. I asked one of my ladies to discreetly handle the mess in there and a couple days later I disappeared. I hadn't been back to that damned land in centuries." The wondrous look in Miles' eyes bothered me. The historical aspects fascinated him, but I loathed the way he seemed to forget that had been my life, I still faced the consequences of those ancient events. His friendship had been a blessing in many ways, but deep down I knew there were some differences between us that couldn't be overpowered by the bond we shared. I would be forever Queen Charlotte Stuart and he would be fascinated until the day he died; he wouldn't see me as ordinary or common, he'd always see the title before the woman.

"It's amazing how life works; here we are now, preparing for a trip to the ruins of the place that you hate most in the world. I know this is not easy, but with Oliver's insights and information, we finally have a chance to end this thing." I nodded, looking gratefully into Oliver's eyes. My house became our meeting place during the week; it had never been that way before. I never brought friends home, even though Sienna occasionally decided to bring annoyingly high-pitched girls and sneaky men. I hardly cared for her companions, but these people surrounding me were the closest thing I had to a friendship web. Even though I hadn't seen Oliver in many years, looking at him reminded me of Eleanor; it brought out some fondness I had buried long ago, but I didn't mind. For the first time in forever, I felt the urge to free myself, to go out there and live life without fear, without guilt. Things would end up soon, I would face Gaston one way or another.

"Yeah. You all have been amazing through this whole thing. Thank you for helping me plan this trip." I said, gratitude filling me. Arthur, Sienna, Miles and Oliver all had something to add, something to do for my freedom and me. I owed them my life if I was being frank enough. If I hadn't their support I probably would've fled town by now.

"So, we did some research and some math. They have scheduled tours through your old castle every Friday and Sunday. If the cottage is still standing, we can get there by car in approximately fifty minutes. The roads aren't made of asphalt, but the old house should be nearby. No one goes there, considering how old is the map Miles had to bring us, but I guess that is a good thing." Arthur explained, making me feel slightly like a proud mum. I had never seen him dedicate so much time and effort into a project. He was doing everything possible to help me plan this trip without Gaston noticing. I had to keep my daily routine unaltered, but behind the scenes, my friends bought tickets, paid for a rental car, payed the fee to use Sienna's mother private jet, among other things. I felt bad for watching them without taking much part into action, but I knew I needed to be smart. Every mistake I made would eventually reflect on Harry.

"Thank you, that's amazing." I couldn't express anything but gratitude. Looking down at my phone, I realised we had been sitting for at least an hour. I got up slowly, feeling my legs weak and heavy.

"Anyone wants some food? I'm gonna order some takeout." Everybody nodded, except Miles. He got up too and embraced me in a tight, unexpected hug. I reciprocated, although I couldn't understand why his affectionate gesture happened.

"I'm going back home, my wife is waiting for me. Also, I need to tell her I'll be gone for the weekend." I nodded understandingly. I really hoped the endeavour of ours wouldn't cause a strain in his marriage.

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