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She came to her senses very slowly. She refused to open her eyes, knowing that she would be met by the unforgiven bright light that had shone over her bed. This wasn't Thalia's first time being in a hospital and she knew damn well that it wouldn't be her last. She couldn't remember the accident too well. All she remembers is that it happened. How she got to the hospital would remain a mystery to her though. The last time she checked, she was in her car when it crashed and now she was laying there, with an IV in one arm and a heart monitor strapped across her. When she heard the door to the room click she hesitantly opened her eyes and was greeted by the terribly bright light she had grown to hate. Everything had happened in a matter of seconds. One minute she was trying to adjust to the unforgiving light, the next, her mother had engulfed her in a hug.

"Oh, my baby Tally! Oh, thank goodness you're alright." Overwhelmed by the sudden outburst of affection, Thalia did nothing but groan. She knew that she was only acting like she cared when she knew deep down that the women never did.

"Glad to see that someone's awake," an unfamiliar voice spoke. Thalia looked past her mom to see Dr. Carlisle entering the room with a white clipboard in hand. Thalia still rubbed her eyes attempting to adjust to the room lighting. She was immediately thrown off by a god-awful smell that filled her nose. Dr. Carlisle seemed to notice her slight discomfort.

"The reversal worked like a charm," he stated. "We were lucky enough to flush all the drugs from your system in time." Thalia tried to pay close attention to the words the doctor spoke but it was something about the smell that was bothering her. She had learned that she could pick up scent very quickly now that she had shifted. The slightest things she could pick up, this one, however, she just couldn't shake. Every time she attempted, it would just crawl back into her nose.

"......we're just going to do one more blood test and then send you on your way." Thalia snapped from her thoughts. She had hoped that her mother had heard what the doctor had said because she got none of it. She nodded trying to show that she understood what he said. He flashed a smile before walking out to grab a nurse. She knew what she was about to hear the minute the door clicked shut. Janie turned to face her daughter and Thalia immediately rolled her eyes.

"Do you have any idea how worried I was Thalia?" she huffed," I was worried sick about you. I mean now that I know that you are alive and well do you have any idea what the public is going to think?" Her mother's words didn't phase her, she only wished for good attention towards her and her now not so perfect life. She enjoyed every minute of sympathy that came from the public about Tyler's death. To her, it showed that she was in the spotlight and people actually cared. Now since her daughter would be front-page news as an overdose patient, she was furious. The town never seemed to never have enough gossip going on. According to Janie, it had been years since someone had overdosed. She would hope the negative attention would be enough to consider it as a punishment as well as being grounded for quite possibly the rest of her life.

Hours later her final blood test came back clean and Thalia was finally discharged after a few days. Her mother was now put in charge of managing her medication to avoid another scare. She wasn't allowed to drive for a while which wouldn't be a problem since she had to find someone to fix her now totaled car. She would have to wait a week before she could attend school again and would also have to find a therapist to discuss her "problems." Her mother had now banned her from going to La Push for unspoken reasons. Of course, there wouldn't be an issue due to her car but it still didn't make any sense to Thalia. There was nothing bad in La Push, just her used to be best friends at this point. He was probably mad at her for not showing up these past few weeks, although he'd probably understand, Thalia wasn't sure. She never got to send him that message, come to think of it, she had no idea where her phone was and she knew damn well that her mother didn't have it.

The first day back at school wasn't as bad as Thalia thought it would be but it was still pretty terrible. In all of her classes, her teachers would pull her aside and ask if she was doing okay or if she needed anything to tell them. Most of the students had avoided her including those she used to call friends. The word got around fast so almost every single person in school had known what happened. She wasn't even sure how it got around, she was only on the front page of the news article. Of course, it was nice out and the Cullens weren't there again. After school, Janie had to pick her up since she didn't have a car and wouldn't be driving for a while anyway.

She would have to do her homework at the dinner table to make sure that she wasn't falling back on her school work as she had been before. She was grounded, meaning that she couldn't go to the nearby bookstore which annoyed her, if only she had bought that book. Sure she's read it front to back multiple times but that was for fun. She now needed every bit of information that she could possibly get. She never read it being an actual shifter, maybe there would be some hidden advice. What she needed to do was to go to La Push, if she talked to the right person, they might have answers.

After homework, Thalia was to eat and then go to bed. If her mother wasn't a helicopter before she was now. Before she only monitored the big lump in the sidewalk, now it was every single crack. When she went to bed Thalia fed her fish tank and found something to wear. She went to grab her phone from her end table but then remembered that she didn't have it. In fact, she still had no idea where her phone was, sure her mom claimed to have it but she knew that it was a lie. Maybe she had left it in the car wreck, but wouldn't they give it to someone? If so, who would they give it to? Maybe someone had found her in the wreck and taken it and forgot about it? Thalia groaned at the millions of possibilities as she plopped on her bed, this was her life now, was she ever going to live it?

The clock read 2:04 A.M, she couldn't sleep, again. Tossing and turning with no luck. Part of her urged to go out the window and onto the roof but her mom was already asleep, she didn't want to make a ruckus. After laying there for 15 minutes, Thalia could hear small footsteps passing her room. Wasn't her mother asleep? Once she had heard the footsteps pass, she got up and walked over to her bedroom door, cracking it a little. She watched her mom look around for a moment and then turn the handle on a closed door. Thalia hid behind her own door to avoid being seen. Janie had an envelope in her hand, she quickly shut the door behind her. Thalia tried to listen for any rummaging of any sort but it was a little difficult considering that there were two doors in between them. Minutes later, Janie emerged from the room, holding nothing. She shut the door behind her, locking it. She made her way back to the master bedroom quickly and turned off the hall light on her way there.

When she was sure that her mother was asleep, Thalia tiptoed out into the hallway and over to the door. When she turned the handle, the door wouldn't budge, ugh it's locked?! What was so important that was on the other side? More importantly, why was the door locked? Was Janie hiding something? And how come Thalia never noticed this before? So many questions had flooded her mind as she laid awake. Now she knew what to do, she had to get on the other side of that door. Maybe whatever was beyond there had the answers that she's always needed.

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