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The following weeks weren't that pleasant for one, Thalia was constantly arguing with her mother with no escape route. She couldn't call anyone, no phone. She couldn't drive away to get away from her, no car. She couldn't storm off into the woods, her mom would call the cops. Every time they would argue, it took Thalia every bone in her body to remain as calm as possible. She didn't want Janie to find out about the phasing, for all she knew, it would give the woman a heart attack. Though her voice rose and she grew angry, she was able to keep herself grounded enough to not shift, but Thalia felt it was only a matter of time.

She was still bound to the house, besides school, Thalia could go nowhere. She still hadn't spoken to people since most still kept their distance. They treated her as if she was a virus and that she would infect everyone. The Cullens have still yet to show their faces in school which for some reason bothered Thalia. She didn't know why it just did. Every night, Thalia would try a new method of opening the door. Whether it was attempting to pick the lock, or trying to reach underneath. Some of the methods were completely stupid but Thalia was desperate to get the door open. Night after night, Thalia didn't quit on it, she had no plans on doing so.

"I've scheduled for the Cullens to pay a visit, Janie spoke to her daughter as she put the remaining shopping away in the fridge. Thalia didn't even bother looking up from her math book. "It's just going to be a few of them, but it's been a while since we've caught up." Janie was always in top gossip with Esme and they enjoyed conversation since they've worked alongside each other. It had been a minute since the two caught up so Janie invited the Cullens over for dinner. "And I would like to ask if you could remain in your room until they leave."

"What?" Thalia questioned, now paying attention.

"Well, you see dear, you know what the town thinks of you." Janie started, "if you were in their presents there's no doubt of what they would think of me?"

"Are you serious right now!" Thalia was now furious, her one chance at some interaction, and her mother is sending her to her room?

"Thalia Call don't you raise your voice at me or so help me I'll-" Janie's scolding was cut off by a knock on the door. "Would you look at that, they're here." She gave her daughter the fakest smile possible before stepping off to the foyer. Thalia groaned but followed only to go up to her room.

"Hello Esme," Janie greeted, hugging the women. She greeted Dr. Carlisle as well followed by two other people who stepped through the door.

"These are our sons, Emmett and Edward," Esme said referring to the two boys that walked through the door. Janie greeted the boys with a smile as she introduced Thalia.

"This is my daughter Thalia," she smiled. "You go to school with her." Thalia couldn't help but shoot the entire family a glare. She couldn't tell what it was. It could have been the god-awful smell that filled her nose again or the fact that something seemed quite off about this family. "Excuse her, but she was just going up to her room." Janie shot Thalia a stare before the girl rolled her eyes and continued to walk up the stairs.

She could hear all of their conversation from her room. Being a shifter had its perks.

"I don't know what has gotten into her lately. I apologize," Janie spoke.

"Oh, it's no problem at all." Dr. Carlisile reassured her.

Thalia couldn't help but roll her eyes. Her mother would always try to put on a show for guests to impress them. She was somewhat glad that she was sent to her room, so she wouldn't have to be annoyed by the gossip. However, she was still furious with her mother due to the recent events. If she had learned to control her anger, Janie would have found out about the shifting long ago. Thalia found this the perfect opportunity to try to open the door. It would hurt to do it one more time, right?

She carefully walked across the hall to the locked door. As she suspected, it was locked. She wanted to try something that she hasn't done before and she hoped that it wouldn't make too much noise. Thalia remembered from reading the Quileute legends, that the shifters possessed something like super strength. Maybe she had that? It's worth a shot. She grabbed onto the door handle and pushed it down violently, yanking the knob right off of the hinges. She shocked herself by the amount of strength she had, if only she had thought about it earlier. Thalia was surprised that it didn't cause a disturbance. She slowly pushed the door open and flipped on the light switch to reveal what was in the small room. It was an office space, her dad's office. She remembered that he would work here when she was younger, but why was it locked? She pushed the door shut to begin her detective work.

Thalia pulled open every drawer and cabinet, with no luck, she rummaged through the neatly stacked paperwork to find absolutely nothing. There was one more filing cabinet that sat in the corner of the room. There were three drawers and Thalia had tried them all, but they were locked. She rummaged around some more until she found a key underneath the coffee cup that had sat next to the computer monitor. This had to be it! She stuck the key in the hole then turned it to hear a click, it worked! She pulled open the top drawer, it was organized from A to Z.

Thalia searched the drawers until she came across a folder labeled "Thalia." Yes, this was it! She sighed in relief and cleared a spot on the messy floor to get to work. There was practically everything in that folder, including her recent hospital stay. She searched through the paperwork twice, maybe three times over, and had found nothing. Thalia didn't even know what she was looking for at this point, maybe answers?

When she started to clean up the files, she noticed an envelope that she didn't see before. It wasn't like the one Janie was holding that day, although it was much smaller. Without reading the back of it, she ripped it open to find a folded-up piece of paper. When she unfolded the paper, another piece of paper slipped out of that one. She set the one that fell onto her knee and read the one in her hands that read,

Name: Nathalia Emmy Call,

Born: 8-15-1990, 8:15 P.M

Baby A,

Where: Quileute Hospital

Wait, Baby A? What does that mean? She continued to read over the rest of the birth certificate.


Father: Tyler Call

Mother: Tiffany Call

What! This didn't make any sense! Who was Tiffany? As far as Thalia knew, the woman who gossiped downstairs was her mother, the one who birthed her. Until now that was proven false. How could this happen? That explains why Janie was always so cold to her. Thalia's mind raced with confusion. Maybe reading the second paper would clear some things up? She glanced over to only realize that it was another birth certificate. A copy of hers possibly?

Name: Embry Tyler Call,

Born: 8-15-1990, 8:19 P.M

Baby B

Where: Quileute Hospital


Father: Tyler Call

Mother: Tiffany Call

A/N: ooooh a twist! Sorry, I didn't update, I had a teen wolf marathon with my friend and watched the new love and monsters movie! Which great 10/10 watch it!😁

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