I am NOT selfish

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Triggers: yelling, arguments, fighting, cursing (idk)


   5 figures stood upon growing obsidian walls that had been placed outside of L'manburg as a threat. Time was frozen as the figures discussed the fate of a young boy. There wasn't much noise except for the arguing of the president and his best friend.


   "You had one job, you couldn't do one thing for me. You couldn't do one! One thing! And it was for your own good! So you know if the roles were reversed as you said, yeah! Yeah you probably wouldn't exile me because I would've actually listened to you and done what you said and maybe have a couple ounces of respect. You messed this up for no one but yourself"

   I silently listened to Tubbo lecture me, it was odd how familiar his way with words is. They were so much like Wilbur's it astonished me, maybe when you're president this is what happens. I could feel the guilt building up as his breaths returned to normal.

   I opened my mouth to speak but he interrupted me "you're selfish." That is what struck me right in the chest. How was I the selfish one? I had pulled a harmless prank!

   My body began to shake, I don't if it was from fear, sadness or anger, I suppose it could have been a combination. I lifted my head up and locked eyes with the president of L'manburg. My vision blurred as tears began to pour down my face.

   I shook my head "I'm selfish?" I whispered, breaking the silence "I'M SELFISH?" this time when I said those words I yelled them. "I gave everything for this place! My life, my disks, my dignity, my sanity! I even lost my own family for this fucking country!" my face was hot from anger and my tears felt like lava as they poured from my eyes.

   Tubbo opened his mouth to say something but this time I cut him off, "I'm starting to think that maybe Wilbur and Techno were right. You know what Wilbur told me when we were in Pogtopia?" I asked rhetorically, when I was met with silence I continued.

   "He told me no one was on our side! He said and I quote 'Tubbo, he's lying to you man! He'll drop us the minute he realizes we're not in the lead anymore!' But I had faith! I thought you would stay by my side, but NO ONE HAS EVER BEEN ON MY SIDE."

   My vision was clouded and my ears were ringing as I looked at the people in front of me.

   Tubbo had tears in eyes but at this point I could care less "and Techno? He was right when he said nothing good happens to heros! Because here I am about to be EXILED by my best friend!  I thought... I thought you would at least understand" the last part was quieter as my energy ran out.

   "Tommy I get you're upset but you burnt down George's house!" I could tell from the way he was talking that he was trying to avoid setting me off again. It was pathetic.

   "So? Tubbo the damage was fixed in 5 minutes!" I exclaimed. I looked into his eyes only to be met with the same look Wilbur used to give me when I messed something up, as I looked further i saw the same anger in him as I saw in Schlatt.

   "That's not the point Tommy, you need to learn to listen to authority." I could no longer took him in the eyes, instead I focused my eyes on the blades of grass that moved with the wind that was blowing is a storm.

   The air was heavy with the smell of ozone, giving a promise of lightning. Honestly I wish I could've been struck with lightning right now, maybe I wouldn't have to live through this nightmare.

   I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Tubbo speak again "Besides you still have your family, L'manburg is your family is it not?" I tried to hear Tubbo but instead all I could hear was Schlatt, at this point I could barley tell the difference between the two.

   They both exiled me, well Tubbo hadn't yet but I could tell by the way he had walked here today that he was weighed down by guilt about the decision he made. I may not be the smartest person but I can tell when my best friend is hurting.

   My hands clenched into fists, I could feel my fingernails digging into my skin and causing me to bleed but I didn't care. L'manburg? My family? I chuckled, an odd thing to do, but it was hilarious the amount of times I had been in this situation. I snapped my head up causing a couple of surprised looks.

   "L'manburg was my home Tubbo not my family. My family is torn apart as it is, WILBUR IS DEAD, TECHNO HATES ME AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHERE
PHIL IS!! I'M ALONE, I DONT HAVE A FAMILY" I screamed the last part, at this point my throat was raw and I couldn't produce any more tears. It was almost satisfying to wath the look of surprise and guilt on the president's face, almost.

In a quieter tone I spoke to him "if you're gonna exile me just do it already"

"Dream please escort Tommyinit out of my country"

I didn't even fight as I was dragged away.

Here take some shitty "angst", I'm working on some longer chapters but just take this one

Dream Smp OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora