Bitch Do I Look Like Karl Jacobs To You?

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Idk if I'll ever finish this so here.....

Being dead is overrated, Tommy decided. All there was a black void in every direction he turned, the only thing that was there was a creaky old wooden chair that looked like it would disintegrate if he laid a single finger on it. So yeah, not really that fun.

And to make matters worse it was positively freezing, Tommy hadn’t stopped shivering since he got there. Speaking of which, how long has it been since he died? There wasn’t a way to track the time in…... what did Dream call it again? Limbo? That's besides the point, the point is Tommy was absolutely miserable.

I was sprawled on the floor looking into the endless black void that was above me. To the left of me I heard light footsteps heading my way, but let's be honest it was probably a haluctionation just like in exile.

“Oh my sweet boy, what have they done to you?” A soft voice cooed, I lazily turned my head to see a lady standing over me. She had a large hat with a veil like material covering her face, she also wore a floor length black dress that was somehow blowing in a non-existent wind.

“Who are you?” I croaked out, my voice was raspy from not being used in a while.

She lifted her veil and I could see her face, she looked at me with a soft look in her eyes. It was comforting. A sad smile seemed out of place amongst her features which surely should be used to give a cheerful expression.

She knelt down so that she was sitting on her knees in front of me and laid a hand on my cheek, I could feel it. Now that she was closer I could see her hair which went down to the middle of her back and was slightly wavy, she was pretty.

“This is real isn't it?” I whispered. The woman nodded solemnly. “Oh.” 

“Who are you?” I repeated hoping that this time she would give me an answer.

“I have many names but you probably know me as Death.” Her voice was soothing, like when you drink tea when you have a sore throat.

“But, you can call me Kristen.” I nodded absentmindedly. “Do you want to go back?”

Her question made me think, sure I wanted to see my friends again but Dream is waiting for me on the other side. But Tubbo and Ranboo…..

“What if I sent you further back, along with your friends.” I eyed her in confusion, she must have sensed it. “What if I sent you back in time?”

“With Tubbo and Ranboo?” I asked, I didn’t want to leave them behind.

“Of course, I think it would be a good learning experience for Ranboo as well.” Kristen confirmed.

I drew in a shaky breath, “why?”

The smile left her face and she looked into the void in what I assume was disappointment.

“An old friend of mine used to watch over this place. His name has no known mortal translation but mortals have taken to calling him Exdee.”

I had heard that name many times from Techno, the god had shown up when Techno and Phil discovered some weird table or something. I didn’t see the whole convo but it was in the essempi group chat so idk.

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