And Just Like That He's Gone

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Heres a oneshot that I wrote awhile ago and have no energy to try and finish

(Art by beaxmice on Tumblr)


Tommy couldn’t quite remember when his family stopped caring or even why they stopped, maybe it was the novelty of having a new thing to marvel at that wore off.

Regardless it had been years since his brothers looked at him with a caring gaze, nowadays Techno was off at some prestigious College studying to become a Mythology teacher and Wilbur was off in England with his band buddies.

Phil was busy managing his company, he never had time to even spare Tommy a glance and yet three days ago for the first time in months he had spoken to his forgotten son.

Tommy vividly remembered the conversation, Philza had told the youngest that his brothers were coming home for the holidays so he needed to be on his best behavior. 

Tommy was utterly livid, with two more people in the house he would have to be on high alert all the time. Most nights when the house was silent Tommy would noiselessly slip out of his bedroom window and meet up with Tubbo and Ranboo at the park near his house.

The trio would stay up til the wee hours of the morning just talking about their home lives, emotions and whatever random shit they could come up with.

Accompanied with these talks there would be lit cigarettes hanging from their mouths to take the edge off of the emotions that rolled around in their chests. It kept the tears and bay and made sure there was nothing to feel when they got home.

So yeah Tommy was screwed but that wasn’t his main problem, Ranboo’s mental health had been taking a detrimental decline within the past few weeks. Now most nights were spent listing the reasons Ranboo had to stay and much to Tommy and Tubbo’s dismay they really couldn’t come up with all that much.

But their efforts proved to be futile and last night Tommy received a call from Ranboo’s parents informing him that Ranboo was in the hospital after he had made an attempt on his life.


The cold metal of the dining room chair bit at my legs as I stared at the food that I had no appetite to eat. In my left hand my phone was clutched in a steel grasp as I waited anxiously for the hospital to call.

While I sat here waiting I heard Wilbur drone on and on about how successful his band was at the moment.
Phil of course was ecstatic about this and was content to listen to Wilbur.

Finally after what felt like hours I felt my phone start vibrating and I immediately lifted up the screen so I could check the caller ID; it was the hospital. I abruptly stood up, effectively interrupting Wilbur, “I need to take this.” I deadpanned before walking into the living room where I pressed the answer button.

I could hear faint arguing in the dining room as I brought the phone to my ear, “hello?” I asked shakily.

“Hello, is this Tommy Watson?” A young woman's voice asked from the other line. I prepared myself for whatever the outcome of this phone call was.

“Yes this is him.” I confirmed.

I heard her suck in a shaky breath and just like that my heart stopped, I knew what she was going to say. 

“I’m so sorry to inform you but Ranboo Beloved passed away a few hours ago.” I stopped breathing and the world began to collapse in on itself.

“I-” I started to speak but quickly found I couldn’t bring myself to talk and I hung up. Numbly the phone slipped from my grasp as the weight of the situation hit me; he was gone.

A sob tore its way through my throat and I covered my mouth to try and quiet the sobs that followed, burning hot tears slid down my face as I began to try and gasp for air.


“Tommy what's going-” Wilbur finally rounded the corner to find his brother in hysterics and for the first time in years his older brother instincts kicked in and he managed to grab his younger brother before the blonde hit the ground.

The brunette’s heart practically shattered as Tommy gripped his sweater and just continued to sob.

“Tommy? Hey, what happened?” The older one asked. Tommy just shook his head as he continued crying.

“He-he’s gone.” The blonde finally managed to gasp out. Wilbur nearly began to tear up as he began to slowly understand the situation.

“Who Tommy?”

“Ranboo, he's gone.”


Eh, I'm not really feeling this one but whatever. Content is content

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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