The Fish

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Sherlock flicked his tail, shooting himself up quickly towards the surface. A human, a beautiful blonde human, named John, had caught Sherlock's heart with a hook. They met at the docks every night and chatted for hours about the human life, and rarely Sherlock would open up about the merland. It was Saturday night at 9 and Sherlock was under the dock waiting for John.
Suddenly the dock creaked above Sherlock, making him lower into the water, just incase it wasn't his human. Two small feet showed off the side of the dock, their toes tipped into the cool water. Sherlock smiled and moved closer before grabbing onto the foot and swinging himself out from under the dock.
His dark blue and green tail splashed out of the water as a smile spread across his face. He pushed off the dock and flipped back into the water, showing off. He lifted himself back to the surface, putting his hands on the dock.
John's face lit up, happiness filling up his eyes. "Amazing." John uttered, leaning down to look at Sherlock's face closer.
"I know." Sherlock smirked and held onto John's feet, so he didn't have to use his tail to stay up.
"What's it like having feet?" Sherlock asked, gazing at the blonde mans slightly tanned feet. "And legs?"
"Well it's like having two big sticks that let you waddle around under the sun on the sand." John said, smiling down at his merman friend.
"Do they feel the muscle pain? Like arms?" Sherlock touches his own pale arms.
"Yes, but feet also feel a ticklish sensation." John explained, taping the bottom of his feet. Sherlock tilted his head, lifting John's foot up to gaze at his sole
"How to i activate the tickle sensations?" Sherlock asked, poking John's sole.
Giggles slipped from John's lips as he watched Sherlock poke at his foot. Sherlock grazed his nails down John's foot, causing John to laugh louder.
"I activated the tickle sensations!" Sherlock announced proudly. John laughed and allowed himself to be tickled until it was too much to bare.
"I should get going.." John whispered to Sherlock, kissing his cheek. Sherlock nodded and kissed John's cheek back.
"Goodbye John."
"Tomorrow I'll teach you about ticklish sensations on your stomach." John giggled and stood up on the dock.
Excitedly Sherlock splashed his tail around before disappearing back into the water to write about what he learned today in his journal.
Sherlock didn't care if Mycroft told him humans were bad, he couldn't see it. What evil thing could giggle like a sweetheart when having its foot poked? Besides, John was the best man he had ever seen. Sherlock didn't care what anyone said, he loved a human. He loved John.

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