Another Autors note (Sorry)

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I'm changing this story to be more Mystrade then anything else. Mystrade is my otp... I'll still write Johnlock every so often but not as often. I just hope I won't loose a lot of readers because of this. I wanna write what I like and what I enjoy and I find Johnlock holding me back from that. I'm not sure this will make me update more but I hope so. I promise I'll still write Johnlock, just not as often. I'm sorry for the inconvenience to people who were here for just Johnlock.
But I love you all anyway.
Because 4.90K reads. I can't even imagine it. Thank you guys so much for you support I love you guys.

-SherlockScottyHolmes ❤️

The Sherlock Tickle Adventures (Mostly Mystrade)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora