A Study in Tickles (Johnlock)

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Sherlock laid down on the couch, swinging his legs up and onto John's lap. John glanced at the taller man before returning his attention back to the tv. Sherlock did the same, sighing deeply in his baritone voice.

John glanced down at the feet that were sitting in his lap. They were pale, slender, and smooth. Clean, considering Sherlock had showered this morning John expected them to be clean. John glanced up to look at Sherlock's face to make sure he wasn't being watched. No, Sherlock was watching the tv, trying to figure out the case on the show before the characters on the show did.

John took his one finger and slowly and lightly stroked Sherlock's sole. The detectives feet moved around in John's lap, as if he were moving them away from John's hands. John did it again, watching Sherlock's face this time. The corners of Sherlock's Cupid bow lips curved up, before going back to his neutral look.

John put his finger at the bottom of Sherlock's heel, ready to drag his nail up Sherlock's foot when the kettle began to screech. Sherlock stood and left, leaving John alone to ponder.


Sherlock was laying in bed, his soft curls matted into the pillow he was asleep on. His face looked so relaxed and calm, his eyelashes looking longer when he was asleep. John crawled to the bottom of the bed where Sherlock's feet were located. Slowly John moved the covers so it wouldn't stir Sherlock, but so he could see Sherlock's feet. Making sure the detective wasn't awake, John ran his fingers slowly up Sherlock's foot. His foot moved out of the way of John's fingers. His face twisted when John did it too. John did the same movement with multiple fingers and got a small noise out of the back of Sherlock's throat. He had collected his information. The detective was ticklish.


Again Sherlock had sat his feet in John's lap while watching Law and Order. This time John was not testing, he was going to find out the truth. Slowly John began stroking his nails slowly up and down Sherlock's foot. Sherlock squirmed and looked at John after a few strokes

"Please don't do that." Sherlock said, shifting his weight.

"Just trying to relax you." John said, hiding his smirk.

"I don't need any relaxing while watching tv."

John nodded and waited for Sherlock to go back to focusing intensely on the show again before wrapping his arm around Sherlock's ankles.

Sherlock looked at John confused and began to squirm "John what are doing?"

John smirked "Tickling you."

Before Sherlock could react John already had his fingers wiggling and digging into Sherlock's soles. Sherlock's laughter instantly flew out of his lips as he squirmed.

"Johohohohon! Nohohohoho! Please stop!" Sherlock begged, trying to sit up to grab John. Smirking John scratched the pad of Sherlock's big toe with his one nail.

Sherlock arched his back and let out an octave higher pitch of laughter, wiggling his toes as fast as they could go. John wiggled his fingers in between Sherlock's toes and smirked.

Tears began forming in the detective's eyes, forcing John to stop. Sherlock took deep breathes, while John pressed soft kisses to the soles of Sherlock's feet. Anticipating tickling, the kisses caused Sherlock to giggle and wiggle his toes.

"I'll remember this for the next time your being pouty for no reason." John said, giving Sherlock's soles one last peck.

"I'll remember this next time you try." Sherlock said, pulling his feet away the second John let go. John chuckled and went back to watching tv, while Sherlock deduced every ticklish spot on John's body.


The Sherlock Tickle Adventures (Mostly Mystrade)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu