"We'll talk about that later," She said.

He gave her a thumbs up, "I'll send you daily updates of how we're doing but you better do the same."

She nodded as she knocked on Yuta's door, "Deal."

He waved to her before hurrying towards the other dorms. The door slowly opened to reveal Yuta. He was wearing comfy clothes today nothing like his usual style, of course like always he made it look good.

"You could have been sleeping still ya know," Hyunjae chuckled.

"And miss out on the opportunity to get rid of you for the weekends? Never," He joked with a smile.

"Wow you're so right," She chuckled, "But seriously you could have slept in."

"I'm fine," he reassured her shutting the door behind him, "I'm usually up by now anyway I go for runs ya know."

She gasped dramatically as they walked out of the dorm building, "you go for runs?"

"I play soccer so yes. I kinda have to."

"You're brave," she chuckled.

"I know. So how do you feel?" He asked wondering how she seemed to calm.

"Honestly I don't really feel anything," she admitted, "why?"

"Cause you seem really calm," He said tilting his head slightly.

"I look composed but feel," she said holding onto his hand.

He felt her hand shaking a bit and they were colder than usual.


She nodded, "Yup. I feel okay but I guess my body knows more than I do."

Her hands rarely got clammy and cold But the thought of her mother always made it happen.

"Now I'm gonna keep holding your hand to warm them up," He smiled intertwining their fingers.

She laughed at his attempt, "Smooth."

"I know right. I've been working on my pickup lines a lot more lately," He said happily.

"What for?" She asked curiously.

Yuta always has pretty decent pick up lines, some better than others that's for sure. So she wondered why he needed to practice them.

"Just Incase so you never get bored."

"I'm pretty sure I'm never gonna get bored with you," she smiled, "You'll probably get bored of me first."

He stopped and shook his head, "Yeah right! Never gonna happen!"

His words were reassuring to hear. She was glad that he (hopefully) wouldn't get bored of her anytime soon. She loved being with him and enjoyed all their little dates, even if they would just lay on his couch and smoke. Their random conversations always made her laugh.

"Oh we better hurry or else you're gonna be late," He said looking at the time on his phone.

They walked down to the station with fifteen minutes to spare. They stopped to say their goodbyes.

"So I'll see you on Monday?" Yuta asked hopeful.

"Yup. Don't be surprised if you get a text from me though," she smiled.

"I'd like that," he chuckled.

The pair hugged for a good few minutes. Hyunjae felt a bit sad. The thought of actually going to see her mom was starting to set in, she was actually going. Yuta felt her grip tighten around him. He wondered if it was because of the nerves.

"You'll be fine," he said encouraging her.

She nodded, "Yeah you're right."

The pair let go since she only had a few minutes left.

"Text me or your friends once you get there," He said seriously.

"Yes sir," Hyunjae teased.

An idea popped into her head. Welp might as well since she won't have to face him for a few days. She kissed his cheek before running off to swipe her transit card. Yuta's eyes widened as realization hit.

"Hey wait?" He shouted confused.

"Bye!" She waved boarding the subway.

Yuta was flabbergasted. That just happened, he didn't even get a chance to say anything. He smiled softly.

"What a tease," he sighed heading back.


Liked by nayutas, Hyunjaes, notkunhang and 2994 others Loselose weirdo 😓View all comments Nayutas I'm in a good mood let me live Notkunhang when are you not in a good mood? Huangxuxi ^ tbh lmao Loselose y'all didn't know him in high school like I...

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Liked by nayutas, Hyunjaes, notkunhang and 2994 others
Loselose weirdo 😓
View all comments
Nayutas I'm in a good mood let me live
Notkunhang when are you not in a good mood?
Huangxuxi ^ tbh lmao
Loselose y'all didn't know him in high school like I did 😔 loser
Nayutas DONT SPEAK OF THE PAST! I'm trying to have a good time
Loselose fine fine ily
Nayutas 💓🥺 now my day got even better

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