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Hyunjae woke up to an empty dorm. It wasn't out of the ordinary to wake up to it empty, but knowing Yeri and Irene weren't gonna be back for a while made it actually feel empty. Early mornings were not her thing but she had to meet with Doyoung today about the potential job. After thinking about it and asking him a bunch of questions it sounded good plus she could use the outfits for her portfolio. Maybe it was a win win, plus the paycheck would really help. She didn't even know the school actually paid them for putting on the plays and stuff.

Getting ready was always the hardest part of her days, it showed how indecisive she was at times. Especially when it came down to outfits, she always wanted to make an impression but if she overdressed she might make the wrong impression. She knew that her outfit was usually the least of her problems, but she couldn't help wanting to look nice.

Hey, you're meeting w that Doyoung guy right?

I'm about to head out

You sure you'll be okay going alone?
I'm sure Yuta wouldn't mind tagging along

Nah it's all good
We're meeting in a public place lolol
Plus he doesn't seem like a weirdo
also, I don't wanna drag yuta to everything I do
I feel like it might be smothering him.

I know but you never know
But if you're sure then okay!
Text if you sense anything weird
Just an FYI but yuta wouldn't care lol

Will do!
Thanks :D

She grabbed her bag and iPad of course, she had a few sketches drawn up since Doyoung told her the play they decided on. They ended up choosing Excalibur and Doyoung is directing, unlike last time where he acted in Marie Antoinette. Hyunjae wasn't gonna lie this would definitely be a challenge, designing historical pieces were not her forte, but it was one of the reasons she agreed. She needed to expand her work and get out of her comfort zone if she wanted to make it big.

Nayu <3
Hey pretty girl
Are you busy today?

Jae <3
I'm busy right now
I got a job thing 😵‍💫
But after that I'm free

Nayu <3
Ok cool
Let's go watch a movie?

Jae <3
Ohhh which one?? 👀

Nayu <3
To be determined lol
Text me when you're done with your meeting

Jae <3
Will do!

Doyoung decided that meeting at a cafe might be the best idea and Hyunjae agreed. It was public but it also would be a good place to talk and study if needed. She was kinda nervous, this was a big step for her. Having a side project like this would look great on her portfolio and resume, but she had to execute it perfectly. As soon as she arrived to the cafe called Cafe Midnight Doyoung was already waiting at a table. It was easy to spot him due to his hair, she wondered why he dyed it like that in the first place. Then again she shouldn't be one to talk as she remembered her own hair colors. Yeah, maybe they would make a good pair, they would have to work side by side for some time so it would be best to get along. Doyoung would be directing the play everything had to be run through him before it even set foot near the stage, it was nerve-wracking to think about. Technically he was her boss in a sense, so she wanted to make a great impression.

"Hyunjae hi," He smiled giving a small wave as she approached the table.

"hey, it's been a while huh," She chuckled sitting down across from him.

"Seems like it. You ready to work?" He asked with a smile.

"As ready as I'll ever be. Fair warning I've never done this before so I have no idea where to start," She admitted Honestly.

Wannabe // NCT College AUWhere stories live. Discover now