"Bet you forgot the fact that he was talking to me before y'all even split, and was quick enough to get in my bed afterward."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach, as we were all stunned to silence. She couldn't have been talking about my Quincy. There was no way. He told me they were strictly friends, and never crossed any lines. There was no way.

In my shock, my bag slipped off my shoulder and hit the ground with a thud. My blood boiling with anger at the fact she felt the need and dared to say such a bold and complete lie. I was enraged, and only seconds later, there was yelling, screaming, and multiple hands on my body, pulling and holding me back.

One of Bianca's friends stepped up protectively, while Bianca who was clearly spooked, but too prideful to admit it, cowered behind, something about my fist almost connecting to her face making her take me seriously.

"You're a liar." I kept repeating with a fierceness as my eyes never faltered from her.

She felt comfortable enough to respond with the protection of her crew. "So is your man." And I just lunged forward, the girls' grips getting tighter on my body.

"Nae! Chill out. This isn't you, you're not about to put your hands on nobody." Raquel spoke as she held my arm.

I relaxed against their hold after taking a deep breath. "She ain't tryna catch me outside anyway." I snapped. "Lying ass," I glared Bianca's way before scooping up my bag, turning to walk away.

And I didn't know what I was angrier at, the fact that she said what she did, or the fact that somewhere in me actually believed her.


"Hey," Q spoke as he caught me outside in the parking lot after school let out. "You okay? I haven't seen you all day, you didn't even show up to lunch."

I had spent the day in my head, thinking and overthinking, to the point where I couldn't even think I could handle encountering him. And now that I was, I couldn't hide my emotions.

"Would you stop?" I snapped, glaring at him.

"I heard Bianca was on you again. You need me to take to her 'cause I'm sick and tired-"

"You sleep with her?"


"Did. You. Sleep. With. Her?" I repeated, pronouncing my words firmly.

"That's what she told you?"

"Yes, that's what she told me. So, do you have something you wanna tell me?" I crossed my arms, staring him down.

"She's a liar! She's obviously trying to wind you up, make you mad at me." He moved to be in my direct line of vision. "Baby, you can't be letting her do that to us." I placed my hand on his chest, looking away from him as he held my face in his hand. "Nae." 

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I believe you right now." I pushed him away from me before turning around and walking out of the parking lot and to the direction of my house.

I needed some time to myself.


"I mean it just makes sense." I expressed to Nicki as she sat on her bed and I paced in front of her. "That lame excuse he gave me to break up, and he wants to be 'cool'. Not to mention he started moving on before I did. It's obvious he broke up with me to see her and to be with other people, I just know it."

"Nae, don't even go there, he already explained to you how he felt he was-"

"And guess who planted that idea in his head. Her. I spent months without him because of her sneaky little ways. Nicki, she's the reason he broke up with me."

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