V- The Note

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As Draco approached the ornate gates, he was greeted by a figure with greasy black hair and a hooked nose marching toward him. Snape's lips curled into a frown, and his eyebrows were knitted together. 

"Mister Malfoy!" he seethed.

"Sir, wha-" Draco began, but he was ignored and dragged by the arm into the castle, and the gates closed behind them. 

Snape took him past the Great Hall and around a corner, where he pressed the boy up against the wall.

"Why on Earth would you do something so stupid!" he hissed through his yellow teeth. "Are you trying to blow this operation?"

"What're you on about?" Draco snapped back. 

"Don't play dumb with me, boy!" Snape said, still speaking in a hushed voice. "Petrifying the Potter boy and sending him back to London is exactly what will rouse the suspicions of the headmaster!"

"It was just a dumb prank, he deserved it anyway!" Draco exclaimed. He could hear the feast going on, and yearned to join everyone inside. Instead, he was stuck with Snape in a random corridor, being chastised for a joke.

"What do you think went through everyone's mind when Potter showed up late to with blood streaming down his face, and you didn't show up at all?"  Snape spat. "You're going to ruin this, and the Dark Lord will not be forgiving if you fail!"

"Hey, I know what the stakes are!" Draco said defensively. "Do you really think I'm not fucking stressed out of my mind right now? I have to murder one of the greatest wizards of all time in order to not get killed by the other greatest wizard of all time! And if I tell anyone at all, I'll get killed, and if I protest, I'll get killed, and if I struggle I'll get fucking killed!" Draco was on the border of hysterics. "Happy birthday Draco! Guess what you get this year! A DEADLY ULTIMATUM that will most likely TEAR MY FAMILY AND ENTIRE LIFE APART!"

Snape took a step back and rolled his eyes. "Why isn't it getting through your dense skull that I'm under the same ultimatum? I am supposed to make sure that you don't fuck this up or I'll get killed too."

Draco was quiet for a minute. "Well then. It looks like we've reached an impasse."

Snape nodded. "Main thing is, you have to succeed and I will help you. And causing unecessary trouble like that is doing nothing to help our cause."

Draco didn't need to think of a response, for the feast had just ended and a mob of students had formed around the entrance to the Great Hall. Snape threw one last glare at him, and both of them were absorbed into the crowd of students making their way to their dormitories.

God dammit Snape, I missed the feast! he thought bitterly as he stormed his way to the dungeons. When he approached the door, he stopped and stared at the bare stretch of stone in front of him. 

He didn't know the password.

"Fuck!" he shouted out loud, and kicked the wall in frustration. A quick glance to the left and right told him that everyone was already inside, and there was nobody to let him in. "How the hell is everyone inside already!" he howled. 

After kicking the wall a few more times, it finally opened to show Blaise smirking on the other side. Draco peered in behind him to see if he could spot Pansy, but all he could see was Goyle passed out on the couch.

"Uh oh, somebody's hangry," he said plainly. Draco scowled and rolled his eyes, but Blaise continued. "Y'know, hungry and angry together make hangry?"


Draco pushed past Blaise and went inside the boys' dorm room. When he walked over to his bed, he was surprised to find that Pansy had already dropped off his trunk. He opened it, donned his pyjamas, and climbed into bed between the green silk sheets. Just before he reached over to turn out the light, his eye caught a plate with couple of bread rolls and a turkey leg sitting on his night stand. His mouth watered at the sight, and his stomach growled its approval.

After practically inhaling the food, he noticed a handwritten note sitting near the plate that he hadn't seen before. Upon further inspection, it said:

There was a heart next to her name at the bottom

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There was a heart next to her name at the bottom. 

Oh, that was nice of her, he thought as he turned the light out, for real this time. I'll  have to thank her in the morning.

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