Chapter 1: Want This For Us

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By the time she made it to Wall Street, it was already lunch break time. Wren smiled as she watched men and women walk around with expensive clothing, scurrying off to their next big exciting thing. Wren always thought of them like mice, running around, trying not to get caught but the fat a lazy cat that everyone else calls the government.

She found it disgusting how much money these people made. She didn't think it made sense that they made so much when people were on the streets homeless. Her mind thought back to a time when her family once made that much money, but those times were long gone, leaving her bitter for a life that she once had.

As much as she hated these people, this was her favorite place to pinch wallets. She tried not to come here often, but every time she did, she always made enough to be proud of.

This wasn't the only type of crime she limited herself to. Since her father had no more money to his name and her mother would rather see him homeless than help, it was Wren's job to help pay the expenses. She learned quickly how to rip off the tourist and pinch pockets in the heart of New York City. And when she was desperate enough, she had been known to forge documents like Bonds and ID cards.

She thought about how many of her high school had fake IDs made by her. They said that her work was the best in the area and they paid her enough. She was just willing to do anything to help her dad. Because, unlike her mother, her drunk father loved her. He hardly ever said those words to her, but she knew it and he knew it, and that was enough.

Wren walked up to a group of women, laughing about something, waiting for the crosswalk to turn on. She quickly slipped her hand into a purse and pulled out a small wallet that had a gold logo of a double C on it. Without drawing attention to herself, she slipped it into her large windbreaker.

Her large doe brown eyes skimmed the area to find her next victim. Quickly she walked across the street, slipping her hand into the back pocket of an old man with a designer suit, pulling out spare change.

Drawing no attention to herself, she opened the wallet of the first lady to see two hundred dollars held within it. With a smile, she pulled out the cash, then quickly caught up to the lady again and slipped the wallet back into the lady's purse.

Wren smiled as she walked into an alley, happy with her find. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked the time. Lunch break was almost over, and knowing that these people would go back to their office spaces soon enough, she had to quit.

She felt her stomach growl, making her realize she was starving. With her head held low, she walked off, taking another alleyway, finding her at the local KFC where she often went when she was in this part of town.

"Hey guys! Wren's here!" the cashier said as Wren walked in through the front doors.

Wren smiled at them as she stood a little straighter. She knew everyone that worked here, after all, she gave them all fake IDs for Christmas. She needed to keep a relationship with them because they were also a well of information that she used to her advantage. "Hey. What is going on?" she said, and walked confidently to the counter.

"Longtime no see sweet pea," a man said as he grinned at Wren. He quickly opened the cash register and fished around for a paper that he knew was there.

Wren nodded with a smile. "I know Hanky, but things have been busy," Wren said and leaned into the counter, feeling a headache start to come. She slipped him a 50 and smiled. "For the kids."

He quickly pocketed the money and slipped her a paper full of notes that he took from what he saw and heard that was happening in the area.

Wren took the paper and stuffed it in her pockets. "Thanks, doll," she said and shouted to the people working in the kitchen. "Hey Tony! Can I get one of those pot pies?"

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