08| Drunks & Feelings

Start from the beginning

Now that I think of it, I hadn't seen Xander or Xavier at the party. Maybe they decided not to come again. Filling my cup again I decided to go out to get some fresh air. I go out through the door in the kitchen that leads to the backyard, I spot a couple making out.

"Get a room", I yell before I think about it, "you know what on second thoughts, don't". I don't want them doing the dirty in any of our rooms, that's disgusting.

I start to wander around the backyard, looking around, enjoying the free space and breathing in the fresh air. God this feels good. I twirl around laughing like a kid when last have I felt carefree. I plop down onto the grass, laying on my back and looking at the stars.

I hear footsteps and crunching of leaves come from behind me, must be someone else who wants fresh air. Suddenly the person sits next to me, I turn and see Xander—what's he doing here I thought he didn't come.

"Oh hey Xander what you doing here, you tired of partying?", I ask him, sitting up and turning to face him. His grey eyes shining in the darkness.

"I could never get tired of partying", he smirks, "what are you doing out here"?, he asks not answering my question.

"I needed fresh air", I answer then look up at the sky, "plus the stars look pretty tonight".

"Yeah really pretty", he replies in a voice I can't decipher. We sit in silence for a while just staring at the stars.

"So where are you parents", Xander asks trying to make small talk.

"Travelled to Greece for a short vacation and of course some work. At their age they're still so much in love, I hope I can find it one day", I sigh dreamily.

"Well haven't you found it already, I mean you and Ryan seem pretty close and all", he states.

"I might like him, but I'm not sure I'm in love with him", I reply, I have no idea why I'm telling him this but it feels right.

"Oh okay I get it", he says.

"What about your parents", I ask him.

"Well my mother is dead, my father-well my father, let's just say my father and I don't get along well", he says remorseful.

"Well I'm not going to say sorry about your mother's death", he looks at me like I've grown two heads, "I know what's it like to lose someone, I lost my grandpa in freshman year and people will walk up to me telling me they're sorry. At some point I almost plucked someone's eye out, I would have if Jacob didn't hold me down", I chuckle at the thought of me plucking someone's eyes out, "see that's why I'm not going to tell you sorry", I explain to him. "But I am going to give you a hug, so c'mere", I say pulling him in for a hug.

He gladly accepts it and we stay like that for a while, I know I'm hugging him for his comfort—but I somehow feel comforted and I don't want to let go. He starts to pull away and I release him. We sit in comfortable silence before I remember something.

"You know you didn't answer my question", I turn to look at him, I noticed how close he is to me, his lips are only an inch away. I look up into his eyes and clear my throat turning away. "So what are you actually doing out here", I ask curiously.

"Same reason why you're here", he says unconvincingly.

"Yeah right", I say sarcastically, "let's head back inside, I think we've had enough fresh air". I stand up, offering him my hand to raise him, even though I know he doesn't need it.

We walk back into the house side by side, our arms occasionally brushing, it shouldn't affect me but it does.

We go down to the basement. Walking into the game room I see some of our friends gathered in a circle with a bottle of tequila and shots glasses in the middle.

"Hey guys what y'all up to?", I ask.

"Never have I ever, come join us", Ryan says, patting the space next to him. I didn't even know he was here, I thought that Jacob wouldn't allow him but then again he invited everyone.

"Hey Ryan, I didn't know you were here", I say going up to him, giving him a chaste kiss.

"Got here like an hour or so ago, I've been looking for you", he replies sweetly.

"Oh yeah I was probably somewhere around the house, sorry", I say actually sorry, "now let's play this game".

So we start, people saying random things, I've already had so many shots that I lost count, I'm already feeling lightheaded.

It's Helen's turn and she says, "never have I ever skinny dipped". Oh why did she have to say that, I take a shot and they all looked at me shocked, well they looked at me and Ryan.

"Shut up", I glare at Helen cause I know she was about to say something stupid.

Then it's Ryan turn, "never have I ever liked a girl and not told her", he says smirking—at Jacob, yes he knows about Jacob having a huge crush on Helen since forever. Why he knows that is because they were friends once upon a time.

I turn to Jacob and look at him, he has a frown on his, I try to tell him with my eyes that he doesn't have to take a shot but he isn't looking at me. Instead he has this conflicted look on his face, I already know what's going on in his head. He's probably thinking about how much of a chicken he is for not telling Helen how he really feels.

He takes a shot and storms off, I wonder where he's gone of to now. I turn to look at Helen and she's already looking at me confused, I give her a sign to follow him and she does.

Then I turn to the cause of the problem, my so called boyfriend and glare at him, "why would you do that".

"Do what?", he asks smirking.

I groan at stand up walking off, there's no way I can talk to him now he's clearly drunk. I walk upstairs and notice that people already started to leave, suddenly my head starts to feel light and I feel weird—I guess the alcohol is getting to me.

I find a wall to rest on. Sliding down to the floor I rest my head on the wall trying to keep my eyes opened. I feel someone carry me and try to push the person away struggling and flailing my arms, but my attempts are futile. For all I know this person could be a serial killer or a rapist.

"Jasmine calm down it's me". I know that voice but I can't put my finger on it. But know I know that I'm save cause it's someone I know at least.

"Where's your room", the voice asks again.

"Second floor, last room on the left", I manage to reply.

"Shit, I have to carry you up two floors".

I'm no longer paying attention to what he's saying. I close my eyes, patiently waiting to get to the comfort of my soft, soft bed. Soon enough, I'm laid down on my bed and I instantly drift off.

Hey guys,
Sorry this chapter is kinda short, but the next update will be longer I promise.
Don't forget to click that little star to vote, also comment and share. Okay bye for now😘✨

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