04| Movies & Bonding

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I found out that I none of my friends are in gym class, unless you count those bullies Rosy and Lucy. I managed to avoid them all through the class, thank goodness. Now I'm waiting for Jacob by his car, he better hurry up coz I'm really tired.

"Hey Jas, how was class?", Jacob says, speak of the devil.

"Fine, but I'm really tired so get me home", I sigh.

"Hope in then, little sis", he says, I really don't have much strength to argue with him though.

I hop into the car, throw my bag on the floor, strap my seatbelt on and place my head onto the headrest closing my eyes, while listening to the soft music playing in the background.


"Jas, Jas, Jas, wake up we're home".

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up, I'm up", I say trying to clear my eyes.

The drive back home was about 15-20 mins, so I didn't sleep for too long. We both get out of the car. I head straight to my room intending to fall asleep again while Jacob was running through the house screaming "we can do whatever we want, we got the whole house to ourselves". I shake my head.Once I got to the room I fall face first on my bed and doze off almost immediately.

I wake up to the smell of popcorn. Oooooh I wander what Jacob is planning. I turn to look at the clock it's 7:54, wow I slept for almost five hours, great now I won't be able to sleep early this night, well I guess I could binge watch a series on Netflix. I quickly take a shower and change into my pj's. I jog down the stairs.

"I smell popcorn!!" I yell.

"You smell right, little sis", Jacob says as I walk into the kitchen. I glare at him.

"So why all these, and when did you buy these", I say looking at the tray of sweets and chocolates " coz I know mom and dad will never stock all these at home".

"So why all these, and when did you buy these", I say looking at the tray of sweets and chocolates " coz I know mom and dad will never stock all these at home"

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"True, I bought them while you were asleep".

"Oh, why didn't you wake me up so I could come with you", I say, sad that he didn't wake me to tag along with him.

"I'm sorry", he says, obviously noticing my sad face "it's just that you looked so peaceful sleeping and you told me you were not tired, so I didn't want to bother you, I also want took a cute pic of you which is now my lock screen". He says sheepishly, I don't bother asking him to delete it coz I did the same this morning.

"It's okay, but why did you buy all these".

"We're watching a movie together, it's been long since we've had twin time". It's not been long actually, because we did hthat two Saturdays ago, but I don't say that so I hum in agreement. "So go pick a movie, while I bring this down".

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