01| Buckets & Butts

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I feel his hands trailing up my thigh. My vision is blurred because of my tears. I'm struggling to get free. I guess today all he wants to do is touch me.

"You bastard, man-whore, get o-" I'm cut off by a loud beep, the fuck is that it keeps on beeping.

I look down at him, his head buried in my neck disgustingly, can't he hear it.



I slowly open my eyes and hear the continuous beeping, I groan that stupid alarm I literally just slept. I reach out to turn it off, inwardly thanking it for waking me from that horrible nightmare—I hardly have it again just once in a while.

"Jasmine Brooks get out of that bed before I come drag you out!" my mum yells from downstairs "and wake Jacob up also".

"I'm up mum" I yell back.

I get out of bed and walk across the hall to Jacob's bedroom. He's fully covered with a blanket, with his face sticking out of it. Awwn he looks cute, I quickly go grab my iPhone and take a pic—cute, new wallpaper.

"Jacob get your ass out of bed, it's the first day of senior year" I try to sound excited.

I move closer to him to shake him but he doesn't budge. I giggle silently when an idea pops into my head, this is going to be great.

I run into the en suite, my parents are rich we live in a big beautiful house, perks of having a father who owns a firm and a mother who's a fashion designer and owns lots of clothing stores around the world. I quickly fill up a bucket of water, yes it's cold.

I go back and dump the whole bucket on him, he instantly shrieks like a little girl and jumps out of bed, I'm about to take a pic with my phone when I notice he's butt naked.

"Ahhhhhhh", I scream and turn around my back facing him, "I'm scarred for life", I mutter under my breath.

I hear him chuckle, "serves you right for dumping the water on me, now come give your older brother a big hug".

I shriek and jump forward, "Jacob you better not come near me or I'll fucking kill you. One why the hell are you sleeping naked, two you're only older by a minute".

Yes, Jacob is my twin brother, older by just a minute yet he makes it seem like he's older than me by a year or so, it's really irritating when he calls me little sis. Even my older brother doesn't call me that and he's 21.

We're six in the family. My dad, mum, the first born my sister Jade she's 24, we're really close even with the age gap, then the second Jared he's 21, then Jacob and I we're both 17. I have no idea why, but all our names start with 'j', even dad Jonathan Brooks, which reminds me I've gotta ask dad why. Mum is the only one without the 'j' name, she's Amy Brooks.

"I slept naked because summer is still in the air, little sis", I can practically hear his smirk.

"Just wear something or go to the bathroom so I can get out of here, and stop calling me little sis",I groan he's really annoying.

"Fine fine, we don't want to be late on the first day of senior year, right", he says ignoring my last comment.

I hear him walk off and I sigh in relief and quickly scramble off. I'm not going into that room for a long time, I feel like washing my eyes out—anything to take away that terrifying sight out of my memory. I shudder remembering, I quickly shake the image away.

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