03| Italians & Muffins

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"Hello", I say and he replies with a grunt, well rude.

"And Xander's twin, Xavier".

Well that explains why I'm curious about him, he also has the same hair color as Xander but they don't look anything alike, that's why them being twins didn't cross my mind.

"Yeah, we're non-identical twins", Xavier says smiling—he does have a nice smile.

"Hello", I say smiling back.

"Hi, you're really pretty", he says complimenting me, on instinct I blush.


"She's pretty and taken by me", I hear Ryan practically growls behind me, when did he even get here, was he following me.

"Ryan, you followed me, why?", I ask in shock.

"Yeah, you dropped your lunch money, probably when you took your phone out of your back pocket", he extends his arm giving me the note "I thought I should come after you and found a guy is flirting with my girl", he grits out angrily, grabbing my waist and pulling me flush against him.

Xavier raises is hand in surrender "sorry dude, I didn't know she was your girl, besides it's not like I kissed her y'know, just told her she's pretty, you've got to tell a pretty girl that".

I face Ryan and put my hand on his chest, "it's okay Ryan he didn't do anything, if he did you know me, I'll introduce my leg to his crotch".

His angry face breaks out into a smile, "yeah I know you, anyways I'll get going", he gives me a kiss and walks away—I'm standing there smiling like crazy.

"He's cheating on you", Xander and Xavier say in sync.

I smile when they do that cuz Jacob and I do that a lot, but then my brain registers what they say and a frown replaces the smile.

"Why would you say that?" I ask.

"Just a feeling", Xavier says nonchalantly.

I turn to look at Xander and he just shrugs, pulling out his phone and doing whatever.

"Anyways", Jacob says dramatically, "we have a party to plan"

"A party", Xavier exclaims.

"We are not having a party", I sigh sitting.

"Don't be such a downer", Jacob says, "I have an idea why don't we vote".

"We're four, dumbass and besides the three of you will obviously want a party", I say rolling my eyes.

"Ok then get Alex and Helen", he says like getting them will make it better.

I rub my face in annoyance. "Why are-"

"Who are those? Please tell me one of them is the pretty blonde you sat with during history", Xavier says looking at me hopefully.

"Yeah that's Alex, the redhead is Helen", when I mention Helen I see a look of longing on his face—he's had a huge crush on her since forever, but Helen is always one for meaningless flings and it hurts Jacob every time he sees her with a boy.

"Even tho-"

"I don't have to vote", Xander says cutting me off, okay what is it with people cutting me off, I automatically roll my eyes.

"Okay then let me just text them to come out here", I pull out my phone and go to the private group chat we have just for the three of us.

Group chat: PERFECT 3❣️

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