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Age : 15

She is still a child by heart. She is a prodigy. She is caring, smart, beautiful and intelligent. She can communicate in 5 languages ( Italian, Spanish, English, , French, and Russian). Loves playing Chess and Basketball but is very bad at it.

You will know how she was able to hide her identity later in this book.


EMILIO ( Italian Mafia boss/Capo)

Age : 24

He is handsome, hot, intelligent and has a cold demanour.

A billionaire businessman.

He is the master-mind of Italian mafia. He is specialised in every zone of fighting.

IQ : 185

Plays chess.


ACE (Second in command)

Age : 22

He is Handome, hot and is a motherly figure to all his siblings. Just towards his siblings.

A business man and a doctor.

Best in strategy planning.

He also likes reading.

Also a professional basketball player.


AUSTIN (Underboss)

Age : 20

Handsome, hot and is short-tempered.

He has many tatoo shops and casinos all over the world.

He has a secret passion for designing.

Loves cooking.

He is No. 1 in Shooting.


XANDER (older twin with Xavier)

Age : 18

He is handsome, hot and is the kind twin.

Loves composing Music.

He is No. 1 in hand to hand combat along with Xavier. They both are equal in it.

He is also a start football player.

Does Boxing.


XAVIER(younger twin of Xander)

Age : 18

He is handsome, hot and short-tempered.

Plays guitar.

He is No. 1 in hand to hand combat along with Xander.

He is also a star football player.

Does Boxing.



Age : 17

He is handsome, hot and kind just towards his siblings.

He is good in dance but nobody knows about it.

He is no. 1 in kick-boxing and is also a star-football player along with his brothers.

Loves skating.


LUCAS (Father of Valentino siblings)

Age : 48


EMMA (Mother of valentino siblings)

Age : 46


Katherine (twin sister of Emma)

Age : 46


JOHN (Elizabeth's step-dad)

Age : 47


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