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I felt my body collapse and fall backwards hitting my head on the floor

I could heard loud popping noises and guns going off in what sounded Like every direction

I couldn't feel like shoulder my ear felt numb above my eyebrow was burning and I could tell I was laying in a puddle of blood

Then I got to thinking of my mans Von

( if y'all listen to king Von y'all know where this line came from )

I look over and my left shoulder hot blood just got to gushin

I'm like shit ain't this bout a bitch

Slowly the noise started fading and my vision started getting blurry

I know for got damn sure I'm not about to die

" YO YOU GOOD" Xavier blurry body said as he hovered over me

I nodded my head a little

" SHIT" he yelled

I closed my eyes for a few Seconds before I felt a singing sensation on my cheek

" keep your eyes open" he said smacking my cheek

" mannn I'm good my shoulder just burning" I groaned

" you got shot you laying in a puddle of blood" he said trying to lift me up

I hissed to the pain

" yo she needa go to the ho-

" nah nah nah I'm good I'm good just wrap me up and My best friend gon get the bullet out" I groaned

He stopped and stared at me

My vision started coming back to normal and the ringing in my ears went away

" damn yo" I groaned

" what am I hurting you" he said stopping me from getting up

" no my clothes they got blood and shit on them" I laughed a little

He started laughing

" you a niggatron or some you handling this shit like a champ" he laughed

" a young thug in a dress is the correct definition" I laughed " and if you knew what I had to go through in that house I can handle anything" I added

I felt something trickling down my face

So I used my finger and wiped my forehead

When I looked back at my hand my finger tips was covered in blood

" damn" I said wiping it on my pants

I looked around and saw Rico laying on the floor with 19 bullets in him

He was still breathing but I don't think he's going to make it

" I'm sorry for this" I said finally getting to my feet and standing all the way up

" nah nah you good we don't play that weird shit round here" he said shaking his head " and in the back they just summed sum shit together bout this nigga any ways" he added

" what happened" I questioned

" can't tell you business" he chuckled

I laughed and shook my head

" you still down to smoke" I questioned

" shitt invite me" trey said

" only if you down too" he said shrugging

" yea I just asked you" I laughed

" well shit fuck me then I guess" trey said

" you can come too" I laughed

" YIPPIEE" he said jumping

" did this nigga just say yippie" Xavier laughed

" and go get her some sweat pants and shirt she not getting in my car bloodied up" Xavier added


~ ignore any mistakes~

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Yes I'm making short chapters tonight😌🕺🏽

Do I know why.....nope 💕

Should I make Longer chapters...yup 💕

Do I feel like it ...nope 🤠

But will I do it anyways so y'all can have a interesting night .... yup 🦦

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