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" mia "

" mia"

" mama"

" bae"

" princess"


I slowly opened my eyes and turned my body

" wake up" jahseh mumbled still shaking me 

I scrunched my face up

" for what" I groaned " what time is it" I said reaching for my phone

" like 2 in the morning" he shrugged sitting on the bed 

I looked at him with a straight face 

" you fuckin trippin" I mumbled turning back around 

" im tryna get my last hours in with you" he said laying on me 

I rolled my eyes

" its 2 in the morning like forreal go to sleep" I responded 

he got off the bed and the room was silent 

I groaned because I already knew he was about to do something extra 

I felt the covers fly off me and all the cold air in the world hit my body all at once 

" you wanna get up now" he laughed looking at me 

I sat up and stared at him 

" what do you want whats your purpose" I said rubbing my eyes 

" I already told you" he shrugged 

" I don't feel like doing anything im TIREDDDD" I said getting loud

" come onn" he whined " im not gon see you again til next summer" he added

I scrunched my face up 

" who said I was coming back next summer" I questioned 

he scrunched his face up 

" what you mean who said it I did" he chuckled 

" shiiiid" I responded laying back down

" you for real not coming back" he questioned 

" I wanna do stuff next summer" I groaned 

" what you wanna do that you cant do here" he questioned 

" im tryna go all out im getting some tattoos, pericings, me and kiara gon be out going to parties and shit" I smiled thinking of everything we would do

he sucked his teeth 

" you can do all that shit here" he said squinting his eyes at me 

" I- you acting like you cant come and visit me" I said quickly looking at him 

he threw his head back and groaned 

" its not even that you not gonna be around me as often as you was here" he mumbled

" then you better be driving down to my house everyday" I laughed 

" that's fine your momma knows me ill be able to spend a night or two" he smirked 

my eyes widened

" a night or two?" I questioned " uh uh I can only be around you for a good hour" I responded 

" why" he questioned laughing 

" because I already know you gonna do something to piss me off" I said shaking my head 

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