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9:57 am

Last night jasmine kept saying little slick shit to me for no reason

She really makes my ass itch

I think she don't like me but I really don't care

She can suck my dick ..... backwards

I woke up this morning with bad cramps

" aww shit" I said crawling off the bed

" what" kiara mumbled

"  I started my period" I said holding my stomach

" whatchu need a pad" she asked turning around

" nahhh my stomach is kickin my ass right now" I said going in my bag and getting a pad out

" imagine getting your period couldn't be me" she said

" imagine being on birth control couldn't be me" I said

" imagine getting pregnant couldn't be me" she responded

" I'm not going back and forth I needa end this flow" I said opening the door and going to the bathroom

I went in the bathroom and pulled down my pants while hovering over the toilet

No blood

" yes got to it before it could fuck my underwear up" I cheered

( can y'all relate? 😂😂 no okay I'll continue the book)

I felt what felt like pee just straight come out of me

" oh I was lucky lucky" I said clapping

I opened the pad and put it on making sure it was secure

I squeezed my eyes shut cause it felt like somebody was rearranging my insides

After about three minutes I got up and flushed the toilet then washed my hands

" aye I heard you opening chips in there" aiden said as I walked out the bathroom " can I get some" she asked holding his hands out

I stared at him

" it wasn't chips" I said

" then what was it" he asked

" grown folks business" I said moving him out my way

I went back in the room and stood in the doorway for a few minutes

" them cramps lightin yo ass up ain't they" kiara laughed

I put the middle finger up and hopped on the bed


10 minutes later

" girl shut the fuck up and stop growling in my ear" kiara said nudging me

" I'm not growling these are sounds of agony and pain" I groaned

" my souls is being snatched out my body" I added

She looked at me

" you don't got no pain pills" she questioned

" no my cramps don't be this bad man" I said banging my head on the pillow

" Ard I'mma ask Jahseh if he got any" she said hopping up

I groaned into the pillow for what felt like 15 minutes until kiara come back

" what's wrong with you" I heard Jahseh voice ask tiredly

" she got her period and them cramps is goin brazy in her stomach" kiara said plopping back on the bed

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