Sleep tight

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I just got dressed from taking a shower a few minutes ago

I jumped on my bed and got comfortable under my covers Before grabbing my phone

My phone dinged loudly causing my flash to go off as well

I scrunched my face up and went to who texted me

<< messages>>


Jah🖤: what are you doing ?

I cocked my head to the side a little And stared at my phone

<< messages>>

Jah🖤: what are you doing

Me: laying down

Me: why?

Jah🖤: why you not sleeping in here??

Me: idk🤷🏽‍♀️

Jah🖤: oh

Me: you want me to come in there??

Jah🖤: no I was on my way to your room anyways

Me: ok

<< end of messages>>

I exited out of messages going to instagram

I scrolled through my timeline until I say my door opening slowly

I decided to be extra and turn my flash light on

" yea I almost busted my ass I needa that light" he mumbled as he walked in and closed the door

" you look like a little kid holding stitch like that" I laughed as he walked to the opposite side of the bed

" I'm a kid at heart" he said as he climbed on the bed and sat next to me

I still had the light in his face waiting for him to say something

" move that bright ass light" he groaned pushing my phone down

I laughed a little cutting the flash light off and going back on Instagram

It was silent for a minute before he broke it

" do you feel weird" he questioned

I rose my eyebrow up

" what do you mean" I asked

" like because we .... because last night happened" he said

" I mean a little bit do you feel weird" I asked looking at him

" no I was just asking you" he responded shrugging

" ohh okay" I said nodding my head

" what happened to your face" he questioned grabbing my chin

I was confused for a second

" what's on my face" I questioned

He pulled his phone out taking a picture with the flash on

" who scratched you it wasn't me was it" he asked looking deeply into my face

I looked at the phone and saw the scratch kiara did earlier

" ohhhh when we was in the car kiara scratched me by mistake" I said looking at him

He was still examining my face closely

" Ian know her nails was that sharp" he laughed letting go of my chin

" she got them mad pointy and sharp for no reason" I said rubbing my face

My phone started ringing and when I looked at it the contact Xavier name popped up

I looked at Jahseh and he was looking at my phone

" answer it" he said shrugging

I gave my phone a questioning look before answering it

" yoooo what you doin" Xavier said setting the camera up showing his face

" nothin laying down" I responded

" how ya shoulder" he questioned

" it's good ion really feel it like that anymore" I said nodding my head in the camera

" oh Ard cool cool"

There was a pause before he started talking again

" you tryna ride around or sum" he asked

" right now" I said scrunching my face up

" yea" he laughed

Jahseh grabbed my leg a little causing me to look at him

He shook his head no

" like we just gon be ridin round prolly roll up or sum too" he added

" I mean it's late as hell right now and I just took my shower and stuff" I responded

" ohhh Ard ard" he said " you doin sum tomorrow" he questioned

" yea I'm taking Aiden out" I answered

" who that" he questioned

" the boy I'm babysitting" I said

" damn busy ass" he laughed

I chuckled a little

I could see Jahseh out the corner of my eye on his phone texting somebody

I laughed

" so when you tryna go out again" he questioned

" ummm w-

Jahseh reached and hung up the phone

" really" I said laughing

" y'all can talk later but right now you with me" he responded


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Yea yea yea this was a filler chapter 💕

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