Chapter 24

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"What is wrong," She asks moving closer to us. "We have to talk" I spoke with fear. Changbin jumped in her arms before she could say anything and hugged her.

"He's gone" Changbin sobbed into her arm. "What do you mean sweetie," She says rubbing Changbin back. "Felix is gone, dead" Cassy speaks out for Changbin. I slapped Cassy for being too harsh. "Sorry" she whispered. Felix's mom dropped to the floor with Changbin still in her arms. I could tell she hugged him even harder. She welcomed us inside.

We had just got done explaining, we told her everything from all of our boyfriends and friend being in the mafia, Changbin blurted out about Minho and my little couch thing lightening up the mood.

Once we got to the death Felix's mom broke down again. Felix's mom had jumped on us giving us all a big hug. "We are all so sorry," Cassy said in the hug. "I'm not going to call the cops since the explosions they'll probably find out since you all are in the mafia it would get you all arrested and Felix cared deeply about you" Felix dad speaking up. "I'm so sorry you had to see that" Felix's mom cried out into the hug.

We had stayed like that for a while. "Please tell Jade and Han I'm extremely sorry about Haven" Felix mom first to break the hug. "Mrs. Lee would you just like to come back to the house with us" Changbin ask. "Call me Olivia, and if that's okay with Chan" A smile on her face but still crying.

(Yes I am aware that's his younger sisters name I'm not sure what his mom name is so I'll stick to Olivia)

Changbin calls Chan and he says it's okay. "He's fine with it let's get going" Changbin motions to the car. Mrs. Olivia stays back for a second to talk with her husband. They both come out holding hands as we all hop in the car and leave to go to the mansion.

Near the house, I hear Mrs. Olivia "Holy shit". We all look at her as we approach the house. "That's a huge house, you guys are younger than me but are like millionaires" she laughed out. "If you ever need to stay here your more than welcome" Changbin said hugging her again.

I think sooner or later Changbin will open up to Felix parents, already he's hugging on them. Then I overheard him already talking to them on how his parents died. More tears fell from both of there faces. "Changbin, Felix loves you more than anything he's alway you talked about, even though you left one to many marks on his neck I'll always be here for you" Felix's mom laughed as Changbin started choking on his spit. "I thought he covered those up" Changbin scratched his nape. "No, he would show me" She laughed. Changbin slapped his head.

They continued talking as we walked inside the house. "Where's his body," Mr. Lee asked as we walked inside. Chan heard and brought us to where Felix and Haven were. They were inside the infirmary. "Oh, my baby boy" Mrs. Olivia cried. Jade and Han still surrounding Haven. "Jade and Han come over here" Mr. Lee called out. Mr. and Mrs. Lee sat there with Han and Jade and cried. Everyone decided to give the parents a little bit to themselves to take in their children.

I went to go find Minho. He was on the couch near Chan balled up on the couch crying . I waited for a couple of minutes to let them have there moment. "We failed them we were too late" Minho cried. Chan agreeing to Minho's statement.

I ran in and jumped on top of them both. "They were going to kill all of us, you didn't fail us, Felix sacrifices himself for us, Namjoon is just a sicko and we have no clue why he did that to poor Haven," I said. Chan and Minho just stared at me. Chan yanked me into a hug. I could feel my shirt getting wet from his tears then wetness on my back from Minho crying.

Minho's arms slowly wrapped around my waist. "Let's go ask if they want a funeral, I know it's weird but we've always had caskets in case something like this happened" Chan sniffled as he spoke. I nodded and he pushed me off him making my foot hit Minho member. "AHH FUCK OWWW" He yelled. Chan chuckled and left the room, Minho grabbed me and kissed me.

Mr. Lee came down the stairs with Felix's lifeless body in his hands. Han followed him with Haven. Everyone trailed behind them. Chan got the caskets and we slowly put them in there. Sobs coming from all over the room.

We headed outback. All the men helping make a whole for the caskets. Before they were closed and entered we all said our goodbyes to Haven and Felix. We gave time to there parents and Changbin. As it approached my turn for Felix caskets it all felt like it was crashing, I've lost my best friend now.

I prepared my goodbye when it was my turn. I kneeled on my knee and started my goodbye. "Felix I'm so sorry, I should've never argued with you over a stupid cap, you are the best person ever and I never said this too often and I should've had, I love you so much I will miss you so much you'll always be in our hearts" My goodbye ending in crys. Next was Haven, it was so hard to look at her. Her little baby body with no life and a cut wound along her neck. "Goodbye baby girl, you were the best baby ever, let me tell you a little secret, you look like jade but way cuter" Laughing into my tears. I heard Jade laugh and saw her smile which felt nice.

After we were done the men helped put the caskets into the earth and covered them back up with dirt. "We will have tombstones made, also Mr. and Mrs. Lee you're always welcomed here to visit or stay" Chan proposed. They both thanked Chan and decided to stay for the night.

The night was quiet, there was no screaming as usual. The only sound you could hear was crying coming from every room. We all lost important people, it was hard. Minho and I cuddled and just cried. I'm glad I can go with it threw him.


Ahh, I promise the next chapter won't be as gloomy. Next chapter is my last chapter 🥺

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