Chapter 9

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Kaylee POV

I woke up. I was in a completely different room and Lee Know was next to me crying while holding my hand. "Are you ok?" I said. He looked up with such relief. "Don't ask me that are you okay?" He asked with a tear down going down his cheek. "I don't know" I laughed a little. "SEUNGMIN SHES UP" He yelled.

He did a checkup. "I didn't know you did this type of stuff" He looked up at me. "Yeah, you dumb bitch," He said laughing. He's a bitch but I loved him. "Fuck you," I said laughing. My body was ached as I was laughing.

Jade and Cassy came in. "What are y'all doing over here," I asked them. "I'm not sure me I.N said he'd explain but he never did and we wanted to both stay and wait for you to wake up" Cassy said. "I'm just over here and wanted to see you when you woke up too" She started blushing. "Hmm that purple mark would say different," I said. "No comment". Han then came in and I could tell Jade got worried. "Han you and Jade fucked didn't you," I said. Jade and Han both ran out of the room. "Haha you caught them," Cassy said. "When I found you they were" Lee Know blurted out. Cassy and I gasped. Honestly i'm not surprised.

"Try and nap," Lee Know said. "Stop worrying about me I'm fine, How long was I out for though," I asked him. "Not too long like three days maybe" He looked up at me and I could see the dark circles. "I'll only go to sleep if you do, when's the last time you have eaten" I could see guilt in his eyes. "The party same goes for sleep, I've been worried sick" He started crying. "CHAN" I tried my best yelling. "Yes Kaylee," He said running in here. "Can you make me and Lee Know some ramen your the only person I trusts here to cook" He nodded his head and left.

"Come up here," I said and lee know got beside me as careful as possible. He put his hand on mine and we intertwined hands. He started rubbing circles on my hand. "What happened," He asked with tears in his eyes. "I'll tell you during ramen" I put my head on his shoulder and rested it there.

Chan brought us the ramen. "Here you go, I hope you are getting better," He said with a big smile. "I am thank you"

We started eating our ramen. I explained to him everything that happened. From when Kai grabbed me to when he started raping me. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you," He said with tears streaming down his face. "Hey hey, don't blame yourself, I love you okay" I realized what I had said and hidden my face. "I love you too Kaylee". I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep while eating.


Sorry for the short chapter! I hope you are enjoying the story.

Love and hate // L.MМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя