Chapter one

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Another dreadful day, dealing with my ex leaving me. I don't wanna go to school I don't wanna see him. I ESPECIALLY don't wanna deal with the Stray Kids either. 5 of them were in my grade and lord I hope I don't get in a class with them.

After 5 minutes of dreading going back to school, I got up. I didn't feel like getting all dressed up so sweats and a sweatshirt would work. I put on mascara and threw on sneakers and went out the door. I skipped breakfast as usual. Ever since Kai broke up with me I haven't eaten much at all. I hoped in my car and headed to Felix's house to go pick him up. His dumbass crashed his car so know I gotta drive him to school.

"Heyyy hoe," Felix said hoping in the car. "Hi," I said in a grumpy tone.

Felix pov
She needs to stop being such a grumpy ass hoe and smile. She needs to get over Kai, none of us know what to do at this point.

Kaylee Pov
"Who do you think will be in our class this year," Felix asked knowing I didn't wanna talk to anyone. "Well, obviously you, Jade and, Cassy. I hope the stray kids aren't in our class or Kai". I heard Felix sigh as I mention Kai. I ignored him before I'd say something mean. Felix took the hint and didn't talk the rest of the way.

We got to school and there Jade and Cassy were waiting for us. "Hey, babe" Cassy said giving me a hug. I didn't hug back instead just pushed her out of the way. Then I saw him. Kai. Standing there laughing I couldn't hold the tears in, I ran to the bathroom. Then I bumped into him. One of the last people I wanted to see at the moment. Lee Know. "Got a proble-" he started yelling then saw me with tears down my face. He let me walk by and for once wasn't such a dick head.

The bell rang and cleaned off my mascara and went to class. Then I saw who was in my class. Every single Stray Kid that was in my grade. Of course, Lee Know was the only person with no one next to him so I had to sit next to him. I tried my best to ignore him so I just drew on my work and didn't pay attention to the teacher at all.

He wouldn't stop tapping his pencil and it was so annoying. "Can you stop that?" I said with a bitchy attitude. "Who the hell do you think your talking to," Lee Know said growling back at me. "I'm not scared of you don't pull that shit on me". Everyone turned their heads at us. Jade, Cassy, and Felix kept mouthing stop to me. Changbin, Han, Hyunjin, and Seungmin sat there in disbelief to what I was saying to Lee Know. "Just because your a girl doesn't mean I won't kick your ass," Lee Know said getting closer to me. "Please I'd like to see you actually do it, you wouldn't hit me plus you are too scared. Now can you stop with the pencil tapping it's annoying as he-" And then the teacher interrupted. "MINHO AND KAYLEE YOU HAVE DETENTION NOW PLEASE BE QUITE". "Oh, shit the teacher just said his actual name," Changbin said out loud. Lee Know remained silent and didn't say a word.

After school I headed towards the classroom detention was in. Lee Know was already there I was surprised he even showed up. I sat down at a seat and blasted my music in my earbuds. "Can you turn that down I can hear it" Lee Know said. "Sure I'll be nice and do it" I shot him a dirty look and he immediately got mad. "DO YOU KNOW WHO YOUR TALKING TOO" I laughed and yelled back. "YEAH, I DO A KID THAT MY AGE THAT JUST HAPPENS TO BE IN A MAFIA" His eyes filled with anger. "HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW IM IN A MAFIA". Was he really that stupid? "It's kinda obvious plus I heard you were".  "Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone.

"Good afternoon students, I have to go run to some places around the school and behave yourselves". The teacher said grabbing his stuff and leaving. After the teacher left I called my friends just to piss off Lee Know. "Gotta go before Lee Know explodes on me again," I said hanging up on Cassy Jade and Felix. He glared at me and I laughed. (Bitch ass hoe is Jade and Drunk ass hoe is Cassy, and Fortnite king is Felix)

You know what's fun

Drunk ass hoe

Bitch ass hoe

Fortnite King
Having sex

Bitch ass hoe
you're not wrong

Uh ew no messing with Lee Know

Bitch ass hoe
You're brave

Fortnite king
When you die I'm not going
to your funeral.

Maybe messing with Lee Know and his cold-hearted self will be fun. Even if I die it's worth it.

The teacher dismissed us and I hopped in my car and drove home. Chan was there to pick up Lee Know. Sometimes I wonder why all the other guys seem nice but also dicks but Lee Know is so cold-hearted and closes everyone out.

Fortnite King
One request Kaylee DO
NOT make all of the Stray
Kids hate us.

Bitch Ass Hoe

Hm why Felix so you
have a chance
with Changbinnn

Drunk Ass Hoe
Ooooo you love him

Fortnite King
I really hate you guys
go to hell

How much you wanna bet
he's blushing right now

Bitch Ass Hoe

Fortnite King
Well maybe I am
just a little.


I put my phone up. Finally talking to my friends was relieving I missed talking to them I just didn't want to. I think I need to start opening up to them more.

Jade POV
I'm so glad she's talking to us again it's been a couple of weeks I was worried.

Kaylee POV

I got home and opened the door. The sight I saw was nothing I never expected to see.

Sorry, I left y'all on a cliffhanger. I'll get the second chapter done as soon as possible now. It's gonna start getting crazy so be ready!!

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