Chapter 22

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When I woke up I was in a room tied up to something that was making me stand. I looked over to see Cassy, Felix, and Jade all tied up as well. They were all passed out I was the only one awake.

Jade woke up freaking out. I realized she didn't have Haven. "HAVEN" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Due to her screaming Felix and Cassy woke up. They all were screaming, Jade about her child, and Felix and Cassy were scared. I tried to be calm but then Namjoon walked in.

"Where the hell is my child" Jade spat at him. "Oh you'll find out soon baby girl," Namjoon said smirking. "Don't you dare call her that, don't put your hands on any of them" Felix growled at him. "I'll keep you in mind," Namjoon says as he points to Felix.

He makes his way towards me and starts petting my face. " Don't touch me you NASTY PERV" I scream the last words. He continues touching my hair as I try to yank away. The ropes are tugging on my wrist making them start to bruise and get cut up.

"Also Jade I will have one of my gang members Jin bring your baby into you," Namjoon says waving and walking away. As soon as he leaves I search the room with my eyes to see if we could get out somehow.

"They have to come they will come," Cassy says while hyperventilating. "Yes they will, Changbin put a tracker on my phone I bet the dumbass forgot but Seungmin will probably find our location" Felix snickers. "I need to see Haven," Jade says pulling at the ropes.

After a while, Jin walks in. "Heres your child," Jin says throwing her on the floor. He then unties all of us and locks us in the room. Jade was about to yell at him for throwing her but I heard her breath hitch as she saw Haven. "Is she dead" Jade whispers. She walks over to Haven and feels for a pulse. "FUCKING BASTARDS YOU KILLED MY BABY" She cries out. Tears cover her face as she sees Haven covered in blood. "Haven" she cries.

Namjoon walks in once again and laughs at the sight of Jade. "don't call me a bastard you bitch" Namjoon says as he walks up and kicks jade. I can see the madness in Felix's eyes like he was about to burst. He couldn't hold it in anymore and we could all tell.

Before he could do anything Somin walks in. My breathe hitches remembering what she had done to me in the past. "Now you know what it's like to lose something important to you, by the end of tomorrow you will all be dead, your boyfriend there Kaylee killed my men and now you all have to die" She spat at us.

"Kill me first" Felix whispers under his breath. "Well you heard the man we will just get started now I was going to wait till tomorrow but alright" she happily speaks. The disgust and anger fills in me as she speaks.

Everyone turned to the sound of gunshots and loud ass yelling. "Thank god there here" Cassy whispers under her breathe. Cassy had been trying to calm down Jade and ensure her that we will be rescued.

A banging sound was heard as someone was trying to break down the door. "SHOOT THE BOY" Namjoon screamed at Jin.

Next thing you know there was a loud BANG and loud screams.


Sorry for the crazy chapter

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