Chapter 21

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A couple of months have gone by. 6 months to be exact. Jade had her baby at 8 months. She had her baby tested right after her birth and it was Han baby luckily. She named her baby Haven and it was a girl.

Minho and I had been planning our wedding for a couple of weeks now. I told everyone that we were engaged and they were all so supportive. I'm so excited to be getting married to the love of my life.

It was time for graduation everyone was freaking out except for Jeongin and Chan. We had everything together but Felix lost my cap. We both ended up getting in a huge fight.

"YOUR SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT" I yelled at him. Minho was trying to calm me down but I couldn't hold back. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT GIVE ME A BREAK" He yelled back.

The yelling and screaming got out of hand that Minho and Changbin had to take us to separate parts of the house. "God damn you woke up the baby" I heard Han groan. Jade is bringing Haven to the graduation which I think is stupid. I mean we know BTS will be there because Namjoon is graduating so we have to be on high alert.

Minho and Changbin were on alert the most. I thought everyone should be as high alert as them but I have to give them a break though it is graduation. I'm not too worried I'm more worried about them and Haven.

"You all ready to go" Chan yelled. We all ran downstairs in our cap and gown. I still didn't have my cap but I'm hoping a teacher had an extra one. Han and Jade were trailing behind us all with Haven and her car seat. Han is surprisingly a very good father, Minho is very inspired by him. Minho and I are still planning to have a kid so he looks up to him.

On the car ride, Felix, Changbin, Minho, Chan, and I all had to drive in the same car. Chan was driving trying to make Felix and I make up. We both refused to makeup because we are both stubborn. Then Minho squeezed my thigh and I accidentally moaned. IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING. "Gross" Felix whispered under him breathe. Minho had to hold my arms because I almost beat his ass.

We finally got there after what seemed like forever. Felix's mom was there to greet us. "I'm so proud of you all, Changbin thank you for taking care of my baby, Jade Han your baby is adorable," His mom said hugging us all. We all thanked her and Jade stayed back to talk to her as we went to the classroom.

Jade got to us before we entered the classroom. "Changbin, jeongin, Minho I'm going to take your dates, Felix's mom needs something,"  Jade said pulling us. "But we have to be- ugh" Cassy sighs. Felix was whispering stuff on the way over. I decided to ignore him since we both were just getting mad at each other for a bunch of things.

Once we got over to Felix's mom she had Haven with her. She had us all take pictures together. Jade had to go change Haven so we all went just in case something happened.

Minho POV

It had been a while since everyone came back everyone was starting to worry. "Where are they," Changbin said pacing back and forth. "I'm going to look for them" Han said. We all ended up coming with him.

"Where are they" Changbin running up to Felix's mom. "They went to the bathroom," She said with a huge smile on her face.

When we got to the bathroom there were no signs. I could hear Han start to hyperventilate. "Hey hey it's okay we will find them," Changbin said hugging Han. Han motions me to come into the hug so I did. It helped calm me down.

We looked everywhere classrooms, the crowd, I mean EVERYWHERE. Still no signs. We even called Hyunjin and Seungmin they never saw them. I'm starting to worry it was BTS

Kaylee POV

On the way to the bathroom, the next thing you know everything was black.


Just a slight warning the next few chapters are gonna be a little brutal.

Love and hate // L.MHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin