Chapter 16

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"Um sure is everything okay" Cassy sounding supious. "We need to break up" my voice breaking. "but, why, your joking" she said crying. "Im sorry but we are over" trying my hardest not to cry. "Bye, asshole" Cassy said leaving crying. I broke down in tears. Sadly Lee Know just walked out. "don't ask" I said coldly and ran to my room. 

Hyunjin POV

"what the hell you were just all lovie dovie" Seungmin said getting mad. "We are over, I'm done  with this" I said stepping back. "what, no, you cant you no" Seungmin said bursting in tears. "I'm done with you this isn't going to work" I say  trying to stay strong and not cry with him and say sorry. "fuck you, I trusted you with everything, your the only one I could ever trust since my brother died" more tears running down his face. I knew that was true too, I loved him more  than anything and this broke me. "I don't ever want to see you again' he whispered and ran away.

I knew I.N would be in his room so I went up to him. I knocked on his door and he yelled go away. i told him it was me and he let me in. "He hates me" "She hates me" we both said at the same time. We ended up cuddling with each other and just cried. 

Kaylee POV

"Um I just saw I.N crying bad" lee know sounded worried. "call everyone in here right now" I said Casey already told me what happened as soon as he said it she texted me.

Everyone slowly made there way in. The first thing i could notice seungmin, hyunjin, I.N, and Jade had all been crying. "I cant fucking do this I'm leaving" Seungmin left crying. "Uh explain" Chan said looking at hyunjin. I.N and Hyunjin both ordered Jade and Felix to leave the room.

They explained everything that happened on why they had to break up with Cassy and Seungmin. "We cant tell them or something will happen" Hyunjin said crying. "Wait why was JAde crying" Changbin asked. Chan scratched the back of his neck. "well um see" Chan stuttering. "so basically Jade and I were fucking then Chan walked in on us and then i asked him to join which he did, then threesome you know then he cummed in her and shes not on birth control because we wanted a kid since we are almost out of highschool" Han said seeming mad but unbothered. "well... wait why does Chan always walk in on people having sex he did it to us" Lee Know said making motions to me and him. I slapped him and rolled my eyes.

"Ok she might be pregnant, but what are we going to do we are being threatened" Changbin said getting serious again. "right i will look into it do you want me to talk to seungmin" Chan asked looking at Hyunjin. He shook his head, I'm pretty sure we all knew Hyunjin wanted him to be safe. 

*Time skip* 

"Felix get your fat ass over here" I yelled. "What the hell do you want I'm making out with Changbin" He yelled back at me. "Hell yeah we are and its fucking nice" Changbin yelled out of nowhere. "Come the hell over  here now" I screamed. 

Felix finally made his way over. "What the hell do you want" he groaned. "Ok hickies, so i wanna go out and go get some stuff for Jade and Cassy, you have to come, plus seungmin came by earlier and told me i was fine to go now" I said smiling. "HEY DONT CALL ME THAT, JUST SHOWS CHANGBIN LOVES ME MORE THAN LEE KNOW LOVES YOU" He yelled at me. Then poped at of nowhere was Lee Know. "Yeah okay, i bet changbin wouldn't give you a hickey in front of other people" Lee Know said as he started sucking on my neck. I tried pushing him off because Felix was there, but he was to strong. Evantually he found my soft spot and i tried holding back my moans.  "There" he said pulling away from me. "Okay he definitely wouldn't do that" He said standing there awkwardly. ''anyways lets get going, also babe me and Felix are running out to grab stuff we will be back in a little" I say kissing his cheek. I could see him argue but i didn't let him and ran out the door. 

We finally got to the convinet store. "Okay for Jade we need pregnancy test and bunch of  snacks and drinks,Cassy breakup kit and some sunset rum because that's her favorite" I say to Felix searching for the items. "alcohol" Felix questioning me. I showed him my fake ID Chan had gave me. 

We found the rum for Cassy because that the only stuff she drinks when shes sad. We also got her a bunch of snacks, candies, and little stuff animals.  We got the same for Jade plus pregnancy test. I got a few things for I.N, because he was young. We paid for everything. We first head to Cassy house.

Her parents weren't home so she answered the door. "Here we got you this" Felix said handing her the basket. "Oh fuck thanks" she said as she chugged some from the bottle. Felix and I stood there a starred at her. "Do you want us to stay" I asked. She shook her head "can you tell seungmin to come over though". We both nodded, and said our goodbyes and drove back to the house.

 "JADE SEUNGMIN COME DOWN" Felix yelled. Jade and Seungmin slowly made there way downstairs. "what" seungmin sounding expressionless. Then hyunjin walked down. I could see them both lock eyes and hyunjin ran away crying. "Um so Cassy wants you to go to her house" Felix said while I hand Jade everything we got her. 

"chan I'm leaving" Seungmin yelled. "Bring someone with you" Chan yelled back at him. "Lee Know and I are busy" I say making up a lie. "Chan and Han, Jeongin in his room crying, Felix and I were planning on doing something" changbin said poping out of nowhere. "Im not going with him" Seungmin said in a sad tone. "Isnt he cryin-" Lee Know saying and i covered his mouth. "Why is he, um ok" sounding suspicious. "If he's okay dealing with me ill go with him but kaylee you got to ask" he says. 

I go up to Hyunjin and knock on his door. "hey seungmin needs you to drive him to Cassy house" as the words leave my mouth i could hear his breathe hitch. he came out his eyes red from crying. "Really" He says as his eyes sparkle from the tears. "Yes, just don't make it awkward and don't tell him" I was cut off by Seungmin asking what we were trying not to tell him. "Oh um nothing, just you to go ahead and go" i say pushing them away.

As i was heading into my room i heard a loud scream. I ran to where the noise had came from. which happened to be the kitchen. "IS EVERYTHING OKAY" i yelled as i ran.. "sorry i felt  like screaming" Lee Know said walking over and kissing me. "Now let me make you scream"He said with a smirk. I slapped him, "Nope not tonight, I'm thinking Netflix and chill" I say hugging him. "How about Netflix, sex, then chill" he says as I.N walks downstairs. "You guys need to do this stuff in a ROOM" I.N emphazing room. Before Lee Know could be mean i cut him off. "I.N here some cookie dough and the rest of some beer, don't tell chan, and some other things are in there, it helps especially the cookie dough" I say as I pass him the stuff. He looks at me and sheds a tear and  runs and give me a big hug. i could fell my shirt get wet as he cried. "it'll be okay i promise, ill make sure you get her back if its the last thing i have to do, if you ever need anything i am here for you " I say patting his head. 

After him just standing there hugging me for a good couple minutes he let go. "Thank you again, and also sorry for stealing a hug from her" he says looking at Lee Know. "Your fine, I know how it is losing someone hurts".

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