~Chapter 13~

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"Suga! Oh my gosh that was delicious!" Complements from the team and it's beautiful managers made there way to Sugawara. 

"Thanks!" He chuckled lightly. It made me smile knowing he was happy. 

"HAIR TIME!" Nishinoya chased everyone up the stairs and back into the room we all slept in. I couldn't help but laugh at the second year. I bet her just wanted to spike someone's hair up like his. Noya partnered everyone up accordingly, don't ask me how.

He fought Tanaka when it came to Kiyoko. I stifled another laugh, that was until I was towards Suga. I stopped right before I bumped into him.

"Sorry..." I muttered. He smiled and shook his head, I knew I was supposed to be getting over him but I just couldn't. He was so kind, sweet, generous, amazing, skilled, talented, what I'm trying to say that he is a complete angel. 

The two of us looked around and saw everyone else trying to tame the others hair, I giggled when Yachi trying to balance a bow on Tanaka's head. Kageyama and Hinata were fighting about who should style their hair first, Kiyoko moved away from Noya and partnered with Asahi and she was braiding his hair. Asahi no longer looks like Jesus with a bun, but now a Jesus with a braid.

Everyone else was just brushing each others hair and chatting about whatever came to mind. Mainly volleyball and the next game or something along the lines.

"Do you want me to do your hair first?" The male beside me questioned, I totally forget he was doing my hair. 

"Sure," I looked around for my bag, but then I remembered it was in the other room, "...and my bag is in the other room." I sighed, excusing myself to go get it.

"No it's ok, I have a spare one in my bag." Suga smiled brightly. I bet as an angel he swallowed his halo and that's why his smile looks so bright and his words heavenly.

"Are you sure?" I asked, now sitting on the edge of his futon across from him.

"It's fine, turn around." I did as told, turning my back towards him. 

I heard him shuffle closer to me, and the brush started to gently de-tangle the small knots within my dark hair. 

"So..." I started, attempting to make some form of conversation.

"So?" Suga said, letting me know he was listening.

"I don't know, everyone else was talking so I thought I would make conversation."  I looked down at the slightest angle not wanting to move my head while Suga brushed through my hair.

"Okay. What style do you want? Keep in mind I don't style hair a lot." Suga chuckled.

"Do whatever, I'll probably fix it later anyway." I giggled, he was trying his best and that was all there was to it.

Suga and finished brushing through my hair and had now grabbed the underneath and pulled it together like a low pony tail. He did that a few times, running his fingers through my hair. I will admit it felt really nice and relaxing. I closed my eyes, enjoying the moment.

"When did you dye your hair?" Suga asked surprised, he talked about the mix of random colours that just happened to be a few of his favourites.

"What?!" I asked just as surprised as him. I frantically pulled my hair over my shoulder looking at the colours that blended through the darkness of my hair. "But I haven't dyed my hair..." I said with utter disbelief. 

"So then why is it all colourful?" Suga was obviously confused my hair was not its natural dark colour but I said I hadn't dyed it. This is so confusing.


I snapped my head towards the human tangerine. "What?" I bluntly stated, by now everyone had stopped what they were doing and paying attention to me. I hated being the centre of attention.

"Um..." I turned back to Sugawara who was looking down at his hand with wide eyes and a hanging jaw. I raised my brow in confusion, Suga started laughing. At one point he tried to speak but was interrupted by his own laughter.

Everyone didn't know what to do. I looked at Daichi for help, he was Suga's best friend after all. 

"Hey...Suga?" The captain placed his hand on the setter's shoulder, grabbing his attention. "What's up with you?" 

The grey haired male looked around, only now noticing everyone was watching him. Suga glanced down at his hand, then back at me and winked. I could feel my cheeks going warm.

"This." He raised his hand and showed the team his palm. The other third years along with Yachi also began to laugh. Yachi was to the point of crying it was apparently that funny. The second years seem to  catch on and began to pull away the first years. But Hinata just had to open his mouth.

"WHAA?? BUT THAT MEAN THAT SUGA-SENPAI AND [Y/N]-" Tanaka slapped his hand over the baby crow, and dragged him away. I watched as the entire team left, leaving Suga and I alone.

"Can you tell me what's going?" I began to stress out. What was happening? 

Suga was just smiling at me, he was able to calm me just by smiling. This beautiful bastard and his angelic features. 

"We're soulmates." He blurted out.

"No. Because I don't have a soulmark!" 

"So then explain this!" He raised his hand, his palm now facing me. Where his black ink soulmark once was now is covered in my favourite colours. I looked at him in disbelief. There was just no way he was my soulmate.


I watched Suga as he stood up from his futon and walked over to me. His palm caressed my cheeks, wiping away the tears I didn't even know I had. 

"Your soulmark was in your hair! That's why you never saw it, your hair blended it in." Suga exclaimed.

I was confused, this wasn't the first time he had touched me; Suga had tickled me and kissed me even. So why..?

"No that's not right..." I explained to him that it wasn't the first time he touched me. 

"I'll admit it is weird. But that doesn't matter! We are soulmates and you can't do anything about it." He laughed taking another step towards me.

I let it sink in, my crush, who liked me back anyway, was my soulmate all along. I began to cry more, even though I totally had a big goofy grin on mt face. I ran at Suga, throwing my arms around him continuing to sob and smile.

"I love you..." I whispered

"I love you too" Suga gently placed his hand underneath my chin before lifting my head to meet his loving gaze.

We stood like that for a moment, tightly in each-others embrace. I glanced down to his lips every now and again, slowly leaning into him. I could feel Suga's breath against me.

Fuck it.

I smashed my lips onto his, releasing him from the hug and grabbing his face instead, pulling him towards me. Thankfully, he kissed back with passion, maybe even more than I had. I smiled against the kiss and sadly pulled away because unfortunately my lungs aren't capable of holding more air. 

I giggled at Suga's adorable face.

"Koushi." He said.


"Call me Koushi." He smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me out to meet the rest of the team.

The Sleepover [Suga x FEM!reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن