~Chapter 11~

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The night seemed to go by in a haze, because before I knew it, my alarm went off. I got changed and grabbed my bag, my eyes still felt heavy from crying last night. Scooping up my phone and headphones, I made my way down to the kitchen. I was already aware of dads absence because when I opened the fridge I saw the lunch I made for today was gone. I groaned and turned around heading towards the bathroom.

When I looked in the mirror I saw my eyes were still slightly red and puffy, not to mention my hair was a mess. I glanced at my phone sowing the time, normally I would have left to walk with Sugawara. 


I turned my attention back to the mirror and grabbed my brush, de-tangling the birds nest that sat upon my head. I styled it like I did everyday, average and boring. After freshening up in the bathroom I headed out the door, making my way to school. I was a bit down the road when I decided to put in some music, I placed my headphones on my head - double-checking they were connected to my phone. 

I sighed as I hit play on some random playlist I tend to listen to often. I recognised the first tune in an instant, I absentmindedly sang along softly. I wasn't the best at singing but I wasn't horrible so I was surprised when I heard clapping from beside me. In a moment of panic I turned off my music and headphones meeting the eyes of a short blonde.

"Oh! Yachi! You scared me," I let out a breath of relief before hitching it back in, "How long have you been listening?"

"Well, I heard you from about half way through the song but I didn't want you to stop so I waited until the end to catch up to you." Yachi smiled nervously, almost bracing for impact.

"Was I really that loud?" I mumbled.

"Huh? Oh, no! I just like that song and hearing someone singing under their breath isn't too hard to hear when it's only the two of you!" She smiled wider and held up two fingers. "I mainly caught up to you to remind you about the sleepover tonight!"

I stopped for a moment, things were going to be awkward with Suga for the entire day and I totally forgot about the sleepover. Yachi placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked at her seeing the worrisome expression she wore.

"Is everything okay?" It's like she saw straight through me. I didn't want to bother her but she's my best friend and sensed I'm not okay. I sighed taking a quick glance at our surroundings making sure no one was there.

"It's about Suga..." I started bringing my view to the ground.

"What about him?" 

"We kissed last night...but I overreacted and told him we can't because he has a soulmate." I felt the need to cry but forced tears to stay where they were, I didn't want to look weak right now.

"Oh..." Yachi understood the situation she's known from the first day I met her. "Things must be awkward, huh?" She giggled in an attempt to lighten up the mood.

"I haven't seen him, I left later than normal." I admitted. I wasn't avoiding Sugawara, I just thought that maybe he didn't want to see me. I sighed in defeat and headed to class, giving a quick wave to Yachi.


School finished quickly and I was dreading the night to come. I had bumped into Suga a few times but nothing more than a feeble 'hello' or what have you. When the final bell signalled I hurried home, because I had to pack a bag before Kiyoko and Yachi came to pick me up. 

The club had some how came to an agreement that the club managers and helpers got there earlier to set up everything while the boys threw in a quick practise before they arrived. 

The Sleepover [Suga x FEM!reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin