Chapter 51. Changes

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last night was new year, we did plan to take it easy this year but everyone else had different ideas and now Niall is somehow extremely hungover, something that is extremely difficult to deal with when you have a two year old bugging you every two minutes, it's his own fault though. it's crazy that we're already in 2017 though so much is already going to happen this year and it's going to be hectic but i cannot wait for it all to happen. "feeling better?" i try not to laugh at Niall as he walks out the en-suite coming and sitting next to me he just rests his head on my chest wrapping his arms around me

"what do you think" he mutters i just giggle playing with his hair continuing to watch the tv, it's fair to say that Niall most likely had one of the craziest nights of his life last night him, Louis and Alex ended up going missing at 1am and they wasn't back till 11am and not one of them can remember what happened but i personally think there just saying that and not confessing on what they actually got up to "dadda mamma" we hear Aria shout running in the room and jumping on the bed Niall quietly groaning and holding me tighter "what's up baba" i smile wrapping my arms around Niall "grandan ere"she tells me i nod letting go of Niall he looks confused but also looks up at me with the biggest pout on his face

"i have no sympathy anyway"i laugh picking Aria up he rolls his eyes falling back onto the bed. i walk down the stairs going straight into the living room being meet with Bobby and some random woman, i bend down putting Aria down "go annoy dadda okay?"i tell her she nods kissing my cheek and then running off i shake my head going and sitting on the couch "Nialls abit rough so what's up"i slightly smile unsure of what to even do, i just look down playing with my rings "it's kinda important he hears this from me" Bobby says grabbing the woman's hand making me realise what he needs to be told.

"erm i'll go get him" i mutter slowly standing up and quickly going back up the stairs trying my best not to shake my head in disbelief, we knew he was having an affair but we didn't think it was anything more than that. i walk into the room Niall staring into space while Aria screams along to the songs from the movie "good job Ari" i slightly laugh high fiving her as she giggles at me "Ni your dad needs to speak to you but prepare yourself first"i mutter he gives me a confused look brushing his hair out of his face "today of all days" he mutters under his breath slowly standing up "stay here boo" he mutters to Aria grabbing my hand and leading me back out the room

he stops at the living room door a little taken back when he realises what this is actually about "how long have you not been with mum?" he asks letting go of my hand and just standing there Bobby stands up bringing the women over who just stares at the ground, she looks like she's in her late forties, she has short dark brown hair that's currently tied back in a mid pony she's really beautiful but i don't think Niall is going to totally agree that she's great for a while. "Ni this is Debbie" Bobby weakly smiles Niall just looks at me unsure of what to do "it's nice to meet you i've heard so much about you" Debbie smiles putting her hand out for him to shake.

i do have to say i already prefer Debbie to Maura she seems like a really sweet woman but Nialls not gonna take to her, as much as he knows how toxic his mum and dads relationship was he still loves his mum and it's hard to find stuff like this out and it's gonna be incredibly hard for him to get his head around. "yeah nice to meet ya"he mutters walking out the room my eyes widening "sorry, he.....he finds change really hard" i mutter trying to come up with something that will be believable "i'll go talk to him" Bobby says walking out and following Niall i just sigh going and sitting down on the couch Debbie following me "by the way don't feel bad it's not your fault he had no idea" i tell her she just nods chewing her lip


most changes are good, it's rare change isn't good because it's all just a bigger step to happiness, of course some change is extremely difficult to get through but once you do get through it you see how it's only made your life so much better. i've never been one for change though because it always feels like the minute you finally accept something it all changes and you have to go through the process all over again. i sit down on the patio just looking up at the sky my hands just playing with my wedding ring

as much as their relationship was bad i never really thought my dad would give up and move on, the fact that neither of them told me either it's just really confused me. "you alright buddy?" my dad asks coming and sitting next to me i just nod my eyes focused on my hands "just didn't see it coming" i mutter looking at him he just sighs putting an arm around me "i love your mum and i always will but she made me so unhappy, Debbie makes me happy, just like Jade does for you, so it's for the best" he tells me messing up my hair i just smile looking up at the sky again "i know i'm happy for you just gonna take a bit of getting used to" i mutter he just nods wrapping his arms around me. 2017 is already off to a mad start


jadehoran the best cuddles are with your baby💗niallhoran: i mean i agree but i'm also offended🤣danipeazer: nothing truer!!💗perrieedwards: you guys never fail to melt my heart!!🥺🥺

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jadehoran the best cuddles are with your baby💗
niallhoran: i mean i agree but i'm also offended🤣
danipeazer: nothing truer!!💗
perrieedwards: you guys never fail to melt my heart!!🥺🥺

"just how fast the night changes"

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