Something was screaming at me to stop but I couldn't. I loved the roughness of his hands. I wondered how it would feel on my cheeks.

While I spoke, he watched me; black eyes, piercing deeply into my soul.

"I know what happened between you and Sandra and I'm genuinely sorry for what happened."

I rubbed his palm gently; interlocking his fingers with mine.

He kept staring at me and I thought for a moment that he would draw his hand back and then he did.

"It's okay." He sighed and looked away.

"Look Clifford, I'd like us to be friends. I don't like this tension between us. I don't know you well so I can't judge you and you don't know me well, so you can't judge me. Let's get to know each other, who knows, we may make good friends."

"And what if we don't?" He asked absentmindedly.

"We will. Don't worry." I smiled.

"Why do you want to be friends with me?" He coldly asked.

"I've said it already. I don't like this tension between us. Think about what I said." I prepared to get up.

"There's nothing to think about. It wouldn't hurt to give it a try." Clifford sipped his juice.

Then it appeared, a huge big smile I never knew could appear on my face.

My lips widened to the extent I felt it would tear. I turned on my heels and raced back to my seat.

Precious and  Sandra were just walking in fortunately. I waved to them and they hurried to sit next to me.
★ ★ ★

Clifford and I became friends. We spoke and laughed with each other. We also visited each other most of the time.

I got familiar with everyone in his house including their two dogs: billy and Freddie. Clifford's mother was so friendly towards me.

She offered me food each time I came in and Clifford's little sister enjoyed my company.

She was always overjoyed each time I stepped feet into their house.

Precious and Sandra were taken aback by this new development.

They asked me what was going on and I told them we were only friends, nothing more.

Sandra didn't seem pleased to hear this and Precious too seem to agree with her but I cared less. I could now spend time with Clifford.

This had always been my dream and now that it was happening, I would never let anyone ruin it for me.

Precious one day told me she wasn't comfortable with the idea of me and Clifford being friends. She said Sandra didn't feel good about it too.

"We're just friends, Precious. Nothing more. So I can't be friends with Clifford simply because Sandra broke up with him? Or are you the only one permitted to be friends with him? Please, Precious, I enjoy Clifford's company and I would never throw this away simply because of some people's insecurity." I snapped at her.

She never said a word about Clifford and I again.

One blessed Saturday, while I was hanging out with Clifford in his house, he held my hands and stared deeply into my eyes.

"I don't know how to say this to you and I don't know what your reply will be but. . ."

My heart began to beat rapidly. I knew what was coming next. I had imagined this moment always and now it was finally here.

I could feel butterflies flying around in my tummy. I  could barely stand as my legs were already weak.

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

Boom! He said it. He had said it.  The words I longed to hear for many weeks.

"Please say yes."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I jumped and fell into his embrace. I was overjoyed.

Thoughts of Sandra came to my mind but I pushed it far away from me.

The fact it didn't work with Sandra, didn't mean it shouldn't work with me.
★ ★ ★

I couldn't look Sandra straight in the eye ever since Clifford asked me out. I didn't know why but I just couldn't.

I felt like I was betraying her. But then, I never asked her to break up with Clifford.

She did it on her own accord. It was not my fault that they had to break up.  I tried exonerating myself.

I sat on my seat with Precious and Sandra in class during a free period.

We were reading a story book together. We were already getting to the last page when suddenly, Sandra asked.

"What's going on between you and Clifford?"

I sighed deeply. "Why do everyone keep asking me the same question?"

"Who have asked you this same question?"

"Precious!" I responded.

Precious shrugged and continued staring at the book. I knew she wasn't reading anything. She just didn't want to be part of this discussion.

"So what did you tell her?" Sandra urged on.

"That we are friends."

"Friends huh?"

I turned to look at her. She was staring deeply into my eyes, like she was searching for something in them.

I turned away from her and looked down. Her stares made me uncomfortable.

"I . . ." I began but was cut short by the hand that flung around my shoulders.

"Hello baby! How is it going?"

I stiffened as I heard Clifford's voice. I looked up at him. He was smiling broadly and staring at Sandra whose jaw had dropped.

Precious who was pretending to be less concerned in our discussion, raised her head immediately with her mouth hanging open.

It was like time had stopped. My mouth suddenly ran dry. I needed water. I was dehydrated. I felt faint.

"Baby, it seems you haven't told your friends about us?" Clifford said again still smirking at Sandra.

"What's going on here?" Precious managed to ask.

The whole class was watching us. Every one was eager to know what was happening. I felt like crying.

"Can we talk about this outside?" I spluttered. I was already fidgeting.

"No. Why talk about it outside. There's nothing to hide. We are dating!" Clifford pronounced and the whole class gasped including Sandra and Precious.

The goofy grin on Clifford's face was dominant. His smugness was palpable. I wondered what point he was trying to prove.

"You are what?" Sandra puffed.

"Dating!" Clifford completed.

"Can you please go Clifford?" I pleaded with my eyes.

"Why? We —"

"Please!" My eyes were already teary.

"Okay." Clifford replied and went back to his seat.

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