16. Innocence Lost

Start from the beginning

    'Doesn't bother me in the slightest.' James replied, removing his shirt. Though Christine and a few others evaded their eyes, allowing him a bit of privacy in the rear of the bus, she couldn't help but look, albeit only a second's glance.

    'You don't have to look away, Chris. It's not like I'm changing my pants, really.'

    'Common courtesy.' she replied with a blushed grin.

    'No more than wearing swimming trunks.' he replied, pulling his arms through the white dress shirt that came with the blazer. The young man noticed her glance in his peripheral vision, and rather enjoyed the attention. Though it had only been a quick sideways glance, Christine was picturing his perfectly sculpted abs and toned chest, blushing with the thought of dark but short hair over perfectly carved pecks, only adding to his masculinity and far exceeding his age. She found herself a bit flushed in the moment, her cheeks surprisingly warm and tingly with the thought.

    Mr. Dixon stepped away as the bus took off to address the school photographer and journalist, ensuring that the event was covered for the school paper and local media outlets.

    'Hey, just a quick suggestion.' Christine began as he pulled the sleeves of the official school blazer over his shoulders. 'I know there's a lot going on with your family at the moment, so please don't think I'm purposely trying to clutter up your life or anything,' she paused as he finished buttoning up his shirt. It was a slightly loose fit, but comfortable nonetheless. James was impressed that Mr. Dixon was able to guess his size to such a close measurement. As Christine paused, he knew exactly what she was about to ask, reading her nervous tone, and he intervened before she got the chance.

    'The Halloween Dance; that's what you were going to ask, right?' She sat frozen, unsure if she should proceed. 'Hey, don't freeze up on me now. I've been thinking about it lately, myself.' he revealed.

    'So, you're still going?' she asked with a hopeful heart.

    'Might be good for a dash of normality amongst the chaos, right?' he forced a smile, unhappy and squirming in the official school uniform.

    'I was thinking exactly the same thing.' she replied, an excited grin forming as he seemed optimistic about the idea. James hadn't quite made up his mind whether to go solo or take a date. He had planned on asking Christine in all honesty, but there was a slight debate lingering in his thoughts. James had been thinking about asking Miranda only recently, but since she never bothered to ask in the first place and doubted she would even attend, he replied.

    'Sure, I'd love to go with you.'

    Unsure of how to respond, Christine celebrated in her own head, not realizing that she was staring blankly, her eyes a bit wider than usual.

    'You alright?' he asked, chuckling slightly.

    'Yes.' She replied much louder than she had planned. 'So, that's . . . good.' She straightened her posture as though she were trying to be professional.

    'So, should I meet you there?'

    'I'll pick you up. You're not far from the school, right? Cool if we just walk over together?'

    'Yes . . . that is cool.' She stated in a robotic manner, her thoughts running ramped, unsure of how unusual she was appearing. In that moment the blushing ginger noticed how uptight she must look, and tried to remedy it immediately.

    'Let's say 6:30pm then? The dance starts at seven so that should give us enough time, and I like to be fashionably late.'

    'I'll be waiting.' The words slipped out in an overly seductive manner, and before James could reply she turned her back to him. Now out of his vision her jaw clenched, eyes even wider.

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