"Your cousin is fine. I was just with her."

"Is she injured? What happened to her?"

"A man attacked her in the forest because he thought she was the Dauphine Isabel Castile. She suffered naught but a cut on her face. I already took her to get stitched up. Elizabeth Archer says that she will be fine and the stitches can be taken out in a few days."

"Where is she?"

"In her rooms."

He turns away from me and starts to walk down the hall towards Isabella's rooms.

"John wait! Please let me at least try to tell you what it looks like."


"I do not wish you to cause her fear."

"Why do you care?"

"John, please."

A loose breath escaped him and his resistance crumbles, "fine."

"The cut is on the left side of her face. She has twenty-two stitches running from midway down her cheek to midway on her forehead."

"Thank you."

He starts walking again and I follow him.


He knocks on the door and waits. When no one answers the door he knocks again. "Isabella? Isabella it's me, John."

Hushed voices come from the other side of the door, "He will explode Theodosia."

"He's your family, besides you'll have to write to your father about it anyway."

"Anna, you know what happens when John gets angry and protective all at once."

"Miss, he's probably just really worried about you. As much as you don't want him to see, he's family. So I'm going to let him in."


"I am sorry miss."

The door opens and the maid named Eliza steps aside. John walks into the room towards Isabella.

Isabella Victoria

John walks around the couch and sits on the couch on the right side of me. He turns towards me and reaches for my face. "John just don't."

"Isabella, please. Just let me see. Please."

"You'll just become angry."

"Isabella, please. I just want to make sure you're alright."

"Is my word enough?"

"I love you but no."


"Wait, you're just letting me see it?"

"Yes, I don't need you going crazy during dinner."

I turn my face to look at him, he touches my chin and tilts it a bit more to the side. A low whistle escapes from his lips. "Well, I cannot say that the stitches don't suit you and that they don't make you look scarier than you usually do. But, I'm writing to your father-"



"John please. He doesn't need to know. The stitches will be gone within the next week. If I'm lucky it won't even scar."

"Isabella, he is your father."

"Why do you even care about this so much?"

"I'm your cousin. Why wouldn't I care?"

"John, I'm asking you to please not tell my father."


"Please John. I am fine, I promise. The only casualty was my face. But I still look beautiful, so it does not matter."

"Fine, just be safe and careful."

"Always, now go, so I can get ready for dinner."

King Edward

We leave Isabella's chambers and walk down the hall. A protectively angry look lies on his face.

"John, I was thinking of going to Litore Maris."


"I was thinking that it would be nice to see the sea before Chríste."

"Chríste? But that's only a few weeks away. Isn't your sister supposed to be coming for Chríste?"

"Yes, she's coming for Chríste, we would only be going to Litore Maris for a couple weeks."

"Then I think it is a wonderful idea Edward."

"I'll be making the announcement at dinner."

A/N: Litore Maris means seashore. Christe is a big festival held in Asura celebrating the day the country and it government were created. the original palace was built in a forest and the last stone was placed at night so much of the decor revolves around a forest and the night sky. please remember to  comment or vote. love, M

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