Chapter Nine: The Celebration

Start from the beginning

"Yes, my dear, but who is the one who will be here when it all goes rotten? Me." I state.

Joyous singing and laughing surrounds me as I walk through the ruined temple where our group stays in hiding

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Joyous singing and laughing surrounds me as I walk through the ruined temple where our group stays in hiding. People are celebrating The Week of Our Lady in Red, our most valued holiday. The Week of Our Lady in Red celebrates Goddess Cadea and on the very last day of celebration everyone, no matter their rank, gets to have a taste of Alexandra's blood since she is our Blood Queen. We are on day four of celebrations and no one has slept a wink. Everyone is too busy drinking, eating, singing, dancing, or making love to do so.

I find my seat next to two lovers in a passionate kiss. I shoo them off and put my legs in their former seat as they leave. I scan the room for Christopher and find him kissing the neck of a young woman with auburn hair. I roll my eyes. I catch the attention of a young man with chestnut brown hair and bronze skin.

"Go to Christopher and tell him I said he needs to come here," I command. The man nods and stands from his chair, abandoning his plate of food. He walks across the room to Christopher and taps him on the shoulder. Christopher doesn't take his interruption kindly and glares at him before pushing the woman off of him and pulling a dagger from its sheath on his hip. The young man puts his hands up in defense and gestures over to me before speaking. Christopher sighs and speaks to the young woman before reluctantly walking over to me. He sets his dagger on the table and sits in the young man's former seat.

"Can you explain to me why you interrupted me, Lilith?" He asks, throwing a slice of apple from the plate in front of him into his mouth.

"We need to discuss our plan to break into the house they put the two young royals in. Ever since that idiot from Bendir broke in and slaughtered some of their servants and guards, they have raised the amount of guards surrounding the place and slightly tightened their security measures. It will be hell to break in to scare the two royals out but Penelope says it can be done." I explain.

Christopher chews on a piece of cheese as he considers what I said. "What about getting some members to pose as guards?" He suggests.

"They all know each other's faces and names. Two random guards they've never seen before showing up out of the blue will cause suspicion and they'll likely be killed within the hour of showing up."

"What about the river?" He suggests. I frown and look at him.

"Please elaborate."

"Get Penelope to figure out a way to get them out of the house and convince them to make a trip to the river in the woods by the house. We will let them get comfortable for a few minutes before attacking and we will make sure they don't try to run back towards the house. With Penelope as They will take the long way back to the castle which could take weeks, enough time for the princess to follow through with the deal and murder the prince. Penelope will act as an alibi for her and she will get away with his murder by blaming it on an animal or group of thieves. It will be perfect." He explains, popping a grape into his mouth and leaning back in his chair. I consider his plan, rubbing my jaw.

"I guess that could work. Inform Desmond so he can get a group together." I command, waving him off. Christopher gets up from his chair after popping another grape into his mouth and walks off.

 Christopher gets up from his chair after popping another grape into his mouth and walks off

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A/N: ayo its me Yeehaw, I love you💕💕🤠🤠🤠 please enjoy this chapter

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