Chapter Six: The Half-Breed

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Chapter 6
The Half-Breed

I groan in pain as we sit down for lunch later that day. Prince Oliver looks at me with concern as he takes a bite of steak. I whimper as the pain increases for a moment before decreasing. I cradle my stomach with my arms.

"Are you alright? Do you feel sick? How bad is it?" Prince Oliver asks, worry coating his every word. I ignore him and lock eyes with the elf servant from before.

What was her name? Penny? Penelope? Penelope, that's right.

"Penelope, I'm afraid I do not feel well, it's my Ara cycle. Do you think you could help me to my room? I'll have my meal in there for now." I ask. Penelope nods and grabs my elbow to help me out of my chair. She gestures for two other servants to grab my food while she helps me out of the dining room and down the hall to my room, ignoring Prince Oliver's worried questions about my well-being. She helps me sit up on my bed while the other two servants put my food on a tray and put it on my lap before leaving quietly. I groan in pain once again.

"Do you have a rag? Do you need any pain medicine? I can get someone to bring a healer if needed." Penelope says, hovering over the bed next to me, her hands clasped together in front of her.

"I have some medicine, it's on my vanity over there," I inform, gesturing towards the vanity across the room. Penelope grabs the medicine and hands it to me. I open the vial and drink a few drops of the liquid before closing it and handing it back to Penelope. She places it back on the vanity table and comes back to my side.

Her kindness almost makes up for the fact that she is an elf.

After a few minutes, my pain subsides and I have finished my meal. I asked Penelope if she can get someone to help me get dressed to go outside and she accepted, as she should. She leaves the room as I get up from my bed that is covered in soft plum-colored silk sheets while a white wolf fur blanket sits on top of them. I put on my light blue silk slippers and wait for the other servants to enter. A few seconds later, and they finally enter with a tiny little half-elf child trailing behind them. I furrow my eyebrows at the little girl.

"Why is this child here? I have never seen her before." I question, gesturing to the child. She looks at me with her big chestnut brown eyes and matching shoulder-length wavy hair. A servant gestures for me to sit down in the chair in front of my vanity. I do as told and await a response.

"Her name is Mei, she was abandoned by her human father a few weeks ago, he said that he and her elf mother didn't want such an 'abomination' living with them and eating their food. Queen Adelina is allowing her to work for the royal family as a maid until she is grown and has enough money to do something else with her life or is adopted. She can't be more than six, I can't believe someone could do this to their own flesh and blood." The servant says, brushing my hair. The servant next to her hums in agreement while she picks out a cloak and boots for me. I look at Mei through the mirror's reflection. She meets my eyes through the reflection and smiles brightly, her two front teeth missing. I let a soft smile spread across my lips as she pets Ysabel.

Once my hair is brushed, the servant lets Mei help braid my hair. She works quietly and carefully on my hair, her chubby fingers doing the movements easily like she has done it before. When she finishes, the servant congratulates her on her work, Mei giggles in joy at this. I turn in my seat to face her.

"Would you like to come outside with me, darling?" I ask, my voice gentle. Mei tucks a piece of hair behind her slightly pointed ear.

"Yes, Your Highness, but only if you want me to." She responds, clasping her hands together. I turn to the servant from before.

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