Who bite you guys ?

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After yesterday info and mum telling us to find out who bite them we wen'T to school again .

Lucy : I feel like a secret agent with this finding out info's about people 

Brooke : You know when i had that dream with Kyle right ?

Lucy : Yeah ......

Brooke : I told mum already well that happen but with Nicolas Kyle try to signal me that Nicolas is back 

Lucy : So the last you saw him was like 6 years ago why would Kyle signal that he is back ?

Brooke : Well me and you had meet Kyle before in our past and you know even tho he dosen't show it he loves drama 

Lucy : Yeah that's the only thing i remember from that year  he was always in every drama 

Brooke : So how will we ask them that who bite them ?

Lucy : You my friend will 

Brooke : Me but why ?

Lucy : I don't know but you will 

After we wen't to our half our classes it was time to ask them so we sit down at they table of course Nicolas rolled his eyes at me he the feeling is mutual .

Brooke : So who bite your asses and by your asses i mean Kyle and our old Nicolas grumpy pants 

Kyle and Micheal like my joke but they didn't laugh like Lucy did but they smiled and Nicolas just rolled his eyes at me .

Kyle : Well I got bitten by Nicolas 

Nicolas : And i got bitten by a Vampire that is in the family of the royals 

Lucy : And who is that ?

Nicolas : The king 

Brooke : The King but there is no King 

Nicolas : The queen ex husband 

Lucy : The why did you say King you idiot 

Lucy rolled her eyes at Nicolas and i smiled at my baby doll .

Kyle : Well it was nice to talk to you guys but i have to go 

Micheal : Yeah me too 

Lucy : Me three 

Brooke : Fuck you all i see you at the car Baby doll 

whit that i walked back in the school and made my way to a old class room. 

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