"I can't remember"

Charlie dropped the subject off, as she saw the feminine male uncomfortable by it.

"By the way"

Charlie looked at the human.


"Do you uh-have some clothes I can borrow?"

Charlie raised a brow.
The blonde attempted to cover his body, as he stared at himself embarrassed, now noticing his outfit.
When he didn't even give a fuck yesterday.

"This outfit is quite." Anthony paused grumbling a 'shit'
" revealing.."

Charlie looked at him shocked as her jaw dropped a bit.
How will you not?
It's angel for petes sake it was definitely new seeing him embarrassed and shy.

Vaggie was surprised as well, seeing how she kept quite all this time.

"Why are 'ya staring at me like that?"
Anthony broke the silence that passed through them.

"Don't tell me 'ya don't have fvckin clothes?"

"No it's not that. It's just" Charlie scratch that back of her head.
"It's surprising how your personality is different from before."

Anthony stared at her with a questioning gaze.

It was the first time he ever saw this place and the first time he even met this people.. demons, nonetheless they keep treating him like they knew him all his life. Not really but they act like they're acquaintances of him.

"Who is Angel exactly? And why do 'ya keep comparing him with me?"
Anthony asked, assuming Angel was a guy.

Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other.
Should they tell him?
But if they do Anthony might commit or try to commit something disturbing again.
And that was definitely not an option.

Charlie immediately thought of a way to change the subject.

"Uh we have extra clothes in the attic!"
She chirped as she smiled at Anthony, hoping the other would buy it.
While Vaggie looked at her with a 'the hotel has an attic?' look.

"Oh" Anthony nodded.
Why did they suddenly changed the subject..
Was it something to be kept from him?
Was he not allowed to know who angel was?

Anthony placed his plate on the sink, the food was edible but it was something he was unfamiliar with and something that he never saw in his human life.
Like how this place is.

He walked towards the couch where the two girls were lounging.
They were talking about going somewhere very important
but Charlie argued how she still needs to get Anthony his clothes.

The blonde immediately cut her off.
He did not want to be a nuisance as much as he hate to admit it the two girls were kind and helpful about his situation.
Completely forgetting how he heard Charlie telling him she was the one who placed the spell.

"It's fine, I can go there myself"

The two simultaneously turned their heads to him,
Was he listening the whole time?


"It's fine really"

Anthony assured her as Vaggie placed her hand on Charlie's shoulder nodding.

"Okay but if something happens call us!"

Anthony waved off to them as they left.
Why were they so worried?
it's not like something terrifying was
in  the attic


(As you've already know,this is how I see a human Angel Dust or Anthonyand I made this so you can visually imagine him (ᗒᗨᗕ) )

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(As you've already know,this is how I see a human Angel Dust or Anthony
and I made this so you can visually imagine him (ᗒᗨᗕ) )

to be continued...

A human in Hell (RadioDust)Where stories live. Discover now